

Awake(Chapter 7)
~ If you haven't read the chapters before this make sure to go read those first and then come back to this chapter, also chapters for awake will now be posted 5 days a week on the week days ~

Chapter 7

Inside my room I think about what happened, about those words. I hear a knock on my door, "Lydia what happened out there, Do you wanna talk about it?" I take a deep breath, "Sorry mom i just wanna be alone right now, im really sorry but mabye can we do the party some other time?" "Okay lydia no problem just let me know when your ready to talk." I feel bad but I really need to think right now. Everytime I think of those words I feel a dread and I dont know why. I suddenly feel very exhausted and decide to take a nap. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep sleep. Then I wake up feeling refreshed I stand up and yawn. I walk towards my door, turning the doornob and then opening the door. I go to the stairs placing my hand on the wooden railing, one foot after the other I get downstairs. mom was waiting for me like usual. I sit down at the kitchen table, "Hey Mom." Mom sets downs a plate in front of me, "Hey sweetie." I look down at the plate and of course its pancakes, mom loves to cook. I pick up the fork and knife next to the plate and then I jab my fork into it and begin cutting away. Once I get a piece I begin lifting it up to bite into the deliciousness. Then I see a cockroach crawl out from underneath it I jump up but then thousands of cockroaches come out and I scream and look at mom. Mom says whats wrong sweetie and blood starts coming out of her mouth. I turn the other way and start running but then trip. "Lydia wake up your just having a nightmare!" I sit up realizing it was just a dream i look over to see mom with a worried expression on her face. "Lydia it's alright it was just a dream." "Oh yeah sorry to scare you." Mom replies, "it's okay sweetie Listen I gotta ho work on some things are you gonna be okay ?" I look at the digital clock next to my bed and realize its the next day already, "yeah I'll be fine." Mom stands up, "okay if you need anything you know where to find me." Mom chuckles and leaves the room.
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