

I wish I could find satisfaction at times I see my reflection striped on your eyes. For I am neither flying colors nor tale's aficionados. Perhaps, thy sight brings back last year's July when days flew into cold nights swiftly. How could I disremember every exchanged I love you of ours if that's what I long for? How could I possibly uproot our nostalgia if your portrait is still on my family tree next to mine? I used to dream for the enchanted not until you mummified my system. I supposed to burry everything now. But in just one interaction of you and I, the connection I felt before reconnects to my wicked psyche.

How I wish I could NOT find satisfaction at times I see my reflection on your eyes again. For your sight carries the passed miserable version of me around your arms. To tell me, I should not play fool again. Never again for...

Your delusive glance is a ravine beneath my bed reminding me how I dive for you just so you could murder my heart, ruthlessly.

© SadVerity