

Olympus: War-Chapter 4
Olympus: War

Chapter 4: The 12 Olympians

Zeus went to the palace of Olympus. He gathered all 12 Olympians,
Himself, Poseiden, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus (The God of wine, winemaking and grapes), Hephaestas, Apollo, Artemis, Hera (The Goddes of Marriage and birth), Athena (The Goddes of Wisdom, justice, Courage, inspiration, cilvilization, law, strategic, warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, crafts and skills) and Dementer (The Goddes of the harvest, presides over grains, the ferility of the earth, sacred law and circle of live and death).

When he stepped inside the the Throne room, every Olympian was on their Thrones and all waiting for him to listen what he needs to say.
Zeus then took his seat on his Throne. He began to say:
"As you all know Olympus was under attack a few hours back. So I went to the Underworld..." Everyone then looked at Zeus. Then Athena said:" You know we are forbidden to go there..."
Then Zeus interrupted Athena:"I know I Broke the laws, but I needed to get answers from Hades. Although Hades said it wasn't him, but he said something that might olso be true. He said our brother, The God of War (Ares) might has something to do with it. He whould risk anything to see a fight. So Ares, is it you.
Then Ares said: "It wasn't me. Asked your son Apollo. He is God of knowledge."
Then Apollo said: I know am God of knowledge but that doesn't mean I literally know everything, but I can sense Ares is telling the truth.
Then Dionysus said: "If it is not Ares then it must be Hades"
Then spoke Poseiden:"If it is Hades then we need to send spies to the Underworld."
After Poseiden spoke Zeus started to speak again:"I don't trust Hades. So I want four Demigods to go on a quest. A quest that so dangerous, it chould lead to death.
Just when Zeus said death Aphrodite closed her eyes and Hephaestas looked at her.
Then Zeus yelled:"Chiron!!!"
(Chiron is a centaur. He is olso a teacher who trains demigods)
Seconds Later and Chiron appeared in the middle of the room."You called Lord Zeus" asked Chiron.
Yes I did, I want three names of the best skilled Demigods you had ever seen.
"Well it's Hercules, Perceus and Theseus...my lord" Chiron said. Then Zeus looked at Athena. Name one demigod that chould fit in this team." Then Athena answered:"Bellerophon"
Then Artemis Finally said something:"Isn't Theseus and Bellerophon dead"
Then Hera answered Her:
"But Athena has the spell that could bring back any 2 mortals or Demigods from the dead for a month."
One hour later all the Olympians was outside the palace in a circle. Chiron was 15 meters away from the The Olympian Circle.
In The circle is the souls of Theseus and Bellerophon.
Then Zeus told Chiron to get Hercules and Perseus.
After about 35 minutes The bodies of Theseus and Bellerophon were lying on the ground, alive.
Three minutes later Theseus and Bellerophon Woke up.

One our Later Chiron came back to Olympus with Hercules and Perseus.
Then Zeus ordered Them to stand behind each other.
Then Zeus told them the quest:
"You're going to go to the Underworld. You will spy on Hades and find out what he is doing or planning.
If you know what he is up to then come back to Olympus. Remember no fighting against monsters or it will blow your cover and Hades will then know your there."
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