

Olympus: War-Chapter 4
Olympus: War

Chapter 4: The 12 Olympians

Zeus went to the palace of Olympus. He gathered all 12 Olympians,
Himself, Poseiden, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus (The God of wine, winemaking and grapes), Hephaestas, Apollo, Artemis, Hera (The Goddes of Marriage and birth), Athena (The Goddes of Wisdom, justice, Courage, inspiration, cilvilization, law, strategic, warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, crafts and skills) and Dementer (The Goddes of the harvest, presides over grains, the ferility of the earth, sacred law and circle of live and death).

When he stepped inside the the Throne room, every Olympian was on their Thrones and all waiting for him to listen what he needs to say.
Zeus then took his seat on his Throne. He began to say:
"As you all know Olympus was under attack a few hours back. So I went to the...