

The Betrayer
There were two very good friends Lila and Liana.They were perfect friends and were a great match,they look like they never had a disagreement.
But that all changed one day when Lila went missing on August 9, 2012.Neighbours,police and her parents looked for her
but no one could find her then they realized something odd her bestfriend Liana wasn't helping to look for her and she
did not show any sign of saddness.Then she became a suspect. After days of interrogating her she finally admitted,Liana and
Lila were arguing at there sleep over at Lila's house but her parents weren't home. They were arguing because the most popular guy in school
asked Lila to the prom not Liana,then jealousy grew inside Liana and she said she was going home but she just went downstairs and got a knife
and went back upstairs. She suffocated Lila with the pillow then stabbed her multiple times then she took her body and dumped it in the nearby forest.