

My Mom's Vision
In eighth grade, my mom's science class had just finished making a slime substance, and everyone got to put their slime in empty baby food jars so they could take it home. When the bell rang, mom left late because she had to carry her books everywhere. After she gathered up her books and after everyone had already left, she stepped out into the hallway and immediately saw a vision-like picture right in front of her face. In the picture was a very specific hallway area that was very far from the classroom she was walking out of. On the floor of the hallway, in the vision-like picture, was a broken baby food jar with the slime spilling out of it. She walked all the way down to the hallway that was in the picture, and in the middle of the hallway floor was a broken baby food jar with slime spilling out of it.

This was a vision from God.

© Fuyu Ryuu