

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.I could vividly recall how this all started...I was married to a Beast,who took pleasure in seeing my tears and wails of agony,He smiled whenever he saw me cry but it wasn't so when we were dating and few months into our marriage....He worshipped the path I walked on...I was his Goddess,His soul mate he had said...At thanksgiving at his mother's place he has proposed and I said yes... Rush was the love of my life and I was his or so I thought...everything was perfect and we were the envy of all,bringing couples together and setting an example for others to follow.I loved playing the Piano,He loved seeing me in Red..
I had asked for a Black piano...he obliged and got me a Piano but a white one...He chose my dresses,He chose my diet,he chose my drinks,He practically lived my life..
We went to cocktails,balls,dinners...I either wore Red or beige or Magenta or Grey...He wouldn't hear less...We were carefree why wouldn't we be,we were married, we were legal. We found comfort in each other's arms...never been able to get enough of the other...each encounter seemed new and better like old wine
The house always shook from the pleasures we gave each other...we lost control,we didn't need it...We had each other to hold on to till death do us part...
Then I was pregnant...this news would never go well with Rush;like his name he lived with the spur of the moment tagging me along without letting me stop to catch a breath...I had to break it to him it wasn't an option...it was a must,He wasn't ready for a child..He was scared and too jealous to share me with another being even if that being came from his loins...The night where it began I had made his favorite...lit up scented candles...Played on our Vintage stereo our favorite song "Call you mine-Bebe Rexha",I was dressed in that red lingerie he loved seeing me on...My dark locks down just how he liked it...
I heard him drive him,heard the click of the car lock,heard the heavy taps of his shoes on the tiles...He was home,He had to know...He smiled,we kissed...He was curious about the Unusual dinner...we ate,we drank,we sang,we danced and we were light headed from the Wine...Things got heated,He always knew my spot...my switch...I was lost but I had a reason for that night...and then I spilled it; "I'm pregnant!"...He stared,looked at me for a long time that I thought would never end and then...he laughed. This laugh wasn't the one I knew...it was scary,strange and he told me I was joking,I wish I was but I wasn't. Rush realised I wasn't making jokes and then he told me I'll get rid of the pregnancy...but first for tonight I wasn't going to spoil it for him...
Short of words at what Rush had said...I was silent,He took me to our bedroom...we had sex,mind blowing sex...angry sex and in which sent a warning I could easily get the hint.I wasn't getting rid of the spawn we both created but I'll leave the talk till the next morning...
Morning came quicker than I had expected,Rush was dressed for work by the time I was done with the shower...He told me a cheque was on the dressing table for me to get rid of the baby and I then I lost It,I yelled so much my lungs hurt but it didn't hurt the way Rush's slap felt against my cheeks and the thud in my heart...He hit Me,yes he had anger issues but he said he'll never raise his hand on me....He walked out and returned in the evening drunk and stinking...I tried reaching out but he pushed me off telling me I betrayed him...that I promised never to let anything come between us but I went ahead and betrayed him.
I ignored that's all I could do...getting him washed up and tucked in bed was what I did,We had sex many times than I could even count...I was on the pill but I wasn't the faithful type with pills...I had asked for an implant but he simply refused saying he didn't want me having anything under a knife...I was confused,Scared and angry....Scared because Rush hit me,He has never done that. Rush had a rough childhood,growing up according to him was horrifying...having a drug addict for a Mum and a runaway Dad he never knew...but was stuck with a step father who enjoyed torturing him and feeding his poor mother more poison(Drugs) that led to her untimely death..he had watched her die,He had watched her say she regretted bringing him into this world...that she couldn't love him and he couldn't love anyone and his child would never love him...It all made sense but we had each other,I would be there sane and hearty to raise our child with love and the best abstract things a parent could give to the child...He was too scared to give it a try,to give the child a try. I wasn't getting rid of this baby even if it meant losing this marriage this was the life of an innocent child that he was willing and ready to waste without blinking an eye...Weeks and months went by and he continued to give me the cold shoulder,refused eating my food,refused touching me,seeing me alone disgusted him...I couldn't stand it,I wanted breathing space...My baby was growing,the bump becoming more visible and the more visible... the more vicious Rush got; he would beat me under the slightest provocation as asking what he would like to eat...or me refusing to wear the skimpy dresses he wanted me to because of my bump.
My twin sister Blaire knew all about these things and wanted to file a report to the police but I had refused defending him that he'd change...I had sores from kicking and too much punch thrown at me and my belly,as the months rolled by I noticed this baby was a fighter and wouldn't leave no matter how Rush hit me...One night,He punched me in the gut again and then I knew that was the last straw he'd kill me if I didn't leave...I packed a bag while he was drinking at the table and then I told him I was leaving to my Sister's place in Seattle...he ignored me and then I told him I wasn't coming back till he accepted the baby and then he came at me slapped me hard across the face and cleared me off the ground with me falling hitting my back against the hard marble floors....his hands were on my neck strangling me,the closest thing I had to defend my self was the really expensive Vase on the table...I broke it on his head and ran...taking the bag and car keys to his ride and I was off...He drove after me...I knew that either I die or he dies...I was at cross roads but I kept driving. At a turn he blocked me and stepped out of the car...coming towards me...he dragged me out of the car by my hair and pushed me the ground...the only thing I could see was Rush and the Moon...Blaire's boyfriend was in the army and had given me a Knife for defence since Rush was too much on my neck I couldn't learn how to shoot a gun....Then I felt something cold on my head,I looked up and saw a Gun in Rush's hand...he had that sinister smile on his lips,I had no idea who this man was because this was certainly not my Husband,not the man I fell in love with even when I warned myself several times never to fall for a Man...I had my own bitter past with Men,My mum's several husbands and how shameless they were always taking advantage of my innocence...I met Rush and my idea changed...I felt something other than hate for men when I saw him,But the man pointing a gun to my skull right now I had no idea who he was...he definitely looked like my husband,lover and best friend but this was a Beast.I fell in love with a Beast,but I didn't know until this baby...he was a selfish control freak who messed with my mind with his pretense of love and affection and I fell for it...This man had no compassion,He wanted to kill his own blood,his first strength...his child,our child.
He gave me a choice then; "Get rid of this baby or I'll get rid of both of you,You can't come into my life...make me fall in love with you only for you to allow a goddamn baby come in between us,You're mine babe...forever you're mine and no one is going to take that away from me not even that little devil growing in your belly. Blaize Vyette Malcolm,you will get rid of this baby now...how ever it will be done I'll take care of the expenses but I'm not allowing a child come in between you and I....we are in this in life or in death;Till death do us part" He was never going to change,I would have let Blaire report this to the Police, it would have been easier for me.I wasn't going to die like this,on the road at night in between two sickly expensive cars and I'm front of a beast of a husband but if I was to live I would play along... "I've loved you since I met you Rush,I loved you enough to date you,I loved you enough to Marry you,I loved you enough to want to start a Family...but you're selfish Rush..."I stood up and walked closer to him even though he still had a gun pointed at Me, "You're selfish,all you've ever thought about was your self, You have never thought of me...you wanted to give me the world,oh yes you Did! but you took away my freedom in exchange for that...You dictated my life,I kept my Certificate and qualification hidden away just to be your trophy wife,You chose my dresses,my Shoes,my hairstyle...my fucking underwear Rush...."I laughed...it was funny how stupid I was "I asked for a freaking black piano and you got me a white one,I asked for a Black BMW you got me a sickly white Benz...who the hell do you think you are?"I spat. "I'm your husband baby and I'm the man of the...."Shut up,I'm still talking you son of a drug addict..." Yes I said it,I needed him to feel the pain he caused me since the day I told him about this baby"Are you mad?! No you don't have to be,You caused me pain,You made me regret getting into marriage and I begged you, You promised me you'd love me,you'll take care of me..you wouldn't do anything to make me regret...US,but right now I regret ever meeting you...I loved you and I guess I still do But this? you wanting to kill my baby...our baby just shows how devilish you are and you're nothing but the spawn of the Devil himself!"I smiled because I didn't really care how he felt...and then he held my throat and was choking me." I guess you've made your choice,Woman! I can't have another person take what's mine...I'll end this,this baby dies,You die,I die...we all Die and then we'll meet again and continue our lovestory...it's till death do us part my Rose." He pointed the gun and I pulled out the knife, If I didn't strike he'll kill me and then I stabbed him in the the neck really hard,He fell to the ground...trying to grab the gun,He used it and hit my head hard but I kicked it aside and fell on my knees...I would go to Jail and I would have my baby but we'll both be alive....I stabbed again and again...that metallic taste of blood hit my tongue while I screamed and cried and stabbed again and again...I was covered in the blood of my best friend,lover and husband....the Beast I married.Then I saw the red and blue lights and the sound of sirens...I fell to the ground and smiled falling into the peaceful dark hole I had found my self....It was over.