

Aliens Aren't nice

Chapter 5 – In my house?

I was sleeping good on the couch, I had a big comfy couch but only sleep in it until I get a new bed, saw a bed bug and that was it for that bed, was only two years old costed me $2200, I wasn’t having it. Anyways, I was sleeping like a little baby in Lala land when a strange noise woke me up. I seen something, it was dark it reminded me of smoke in the dark but I heard foot steps run across my livingroom floor. “What do you want with me!?” I ask as I clenched my shot gun and aimed in that direction..”I will Kill you if I have too.”
I said when I heard back in a bone chilling Voice like I’ve never heard, not even in movies.
“I will make you beg for mercy “ the voice said.
The voice was deep and sound almost robotic except I could here this things throat muscles. I understood now this thing wasn’t small like I thought I had seen, what I seen was his bottom half of leg and foot. Now that I understood that I clenched my shot gun tighter and aimed straight toward the dining area where he was somewhere. It was to dark I need to get the light on. I was too terrified to move, that voice ate my soul up and now I’m a scared little man, but I don’t feel ashamed, if you heard what I heard you would never be the same I promise you that one.
© WesleyMcvay