

The Incrédible pàrt of my life -2
Now stàrting the next part of which was totàlly different from the first ...
As I was exploring here my class11 journey whích wàs only of few months but íf I try to write ín few words or sentences but I càn't conclude it in few pàges .
Thus às I told you that this wàs year full of happiness and joy. Béfore this yeàr I wàs somehow a good student or you càn say a disciplined but in this clàss à different type of change hàpppens in me às wéll as in my friends.
We almost break àll the rule of school as a silent revolt .Sóme of them were keeping phone in hostle or classroom for movíe ,
making food in hostle ,keeping boiler for maggie ànd coffee ,breaking a whole banana bunch from tree then ripened it with gas this was really very big day and very dangerous and terrifying also interesting day etc .
We became that much type of indiscipline we didn't évén take seriously the preboard exàms and board exams . In preboàrd we all dare eachother for not getting màrks more than pàss marks .And it was amazing you to know we all were that much type of silly we didn't write correct answers in exam even we knew it ,instead of writing true answer we write all the answer wrong in chemistry for the revenge against three teachers all of them were teachíng ús çhemistry only one subjeçt but most of us understand nothing .
But this story was incomplete if I didn't tell you about someone who was the very first person of all the part of this year , the someone who teached me àbout the reality of life as a teacher ,who cared me às a mother , who even scold me as a elder sister and even little bit fought with me i.e my best friend Anjali and even today she is a very grateful pàrt of my life ànd hope she will be ( Even I know expeçtàtions always hurts)
Be continued...