

"I hope we can hang out some other time. He said and held her hand.

"Thanks for everything. Ill see you tomorrow?" Kelvin said

"Ok, thanks for the ride" she thanked him.

"You're welcome" He said as he left her hand.

He entered his car and started the engine. He drove away, waving her till she was out of sight.



Lilian watched as he drove away. She smiled as she remembered all he had said to her.

She turned and entered the house.

"Lilian, oh i'm so glad to see you my dear. Ive been very worried about you. I went to your school to look for you but didn't see you. Where have you been?" Mr Dickson asked.

"I'm fine dad,at least I'm home" She said as she smiled.

"Alright angel, go freshen up" Mr Dickson said as he patted her back.

She climbed the stairs and made way for her bedroom. She was about to enter when somebody suddenly dragged her into the room opposite hers.

" What were you doing with my boyfriend today bitch? Answer me or I'll kill you" Priya said as she held Lilian's neck

"Stop! you're suffocating me please"

Priya let go and pushed Lilian to the wall

"You had the gods to flirt with my boyfriend huh? You low class witch"

She said as she slapped Lilian. She kicked her and she fell. Lilian got up and Priya tried to slap her, but Lilian held her hand.

"That's it! Now listen to me Priya, i have had enough of your taunts. I have always loved you but all you do is taunt me every single chance you get.

"I keep quiet everytime you bully or oppress me because you are my sister. You spoil everything for me but i never challenged or raised my voice at you till now. All you ever do is hurt the people around you"

She said as she roughly dropped Priya's hand

"Wow! she talked back at me. Incredible! now you've grown wings to look into my eyes and challenge me.

"Now listen and listen very good. Kelvin is mine and mine alone so dont be a fool and go take what is mine because i will make your life a living hell"

"You still have the courage to say that Kelvin is yours? After ditching him, you say he's yours? He loved you sister, he wanted to always make you happy and give you everything you desired,but you never cared for him. All you wanted was money

"Kelvin is a nice guy and you dont deserve him. You never did. Because of you, he almost ended his life today. I wanna give you one advice sis, pushing people who love and care for you wont take you anywhere. Have a good night". She said as she stormed out.

"Lilian spoke back at me. She fucking spoke back at me. This is just the beginning Lilian, i have better plans for you" She said as she left for her room.


"I cant believe i stood up to Priya. I've never done that. I just hope i didn't do a bad thing"

She said as she entered the bathroom. She freshened up and came out.

She opened her windows and looked out. She suddenly remembered Kelvin and looked up at the stars.

"I dunno what's wrong with me. What's this feeling i get when i think about you? Ive never felt this way before. When you held my hand, a spark of electricity went through my veins. When i looked at your eyes, it felt i was in heaven

"When you cried, my heart went out to you. Your image lingers in my mind every minute and second. What is this im feeling for you?" She said as she looked up at the stars, relinquishing all the questions she had to them.


Kelvin made his way into his home. He met his dad in the sitting room and greeted him.

"How are you son?" Mr Enderson asked.

"I'm fine dad" Kelvin answered as he waited for his dad to ask about where he had been.

But to his surprise, his father got up and went upstairs, not once looking back.

Kelvin sighed as he climbed upstairs. He entered his room and dropped his bag. He sat on his bed as he remembered Lilian.

"Lilian" he said as he remembered that beautiful face he stared at. The feeling he had when he held her hand. The comfort he felt when he poured out all his emotions to her.

"I dunno if its love or not but i need you Lilian. Your presence comforted me and showed the light. I can never forget those eyes i stared at, they were so beautiful. Thanks for coming into my life" He said as he got up and made his way towards the bathroom.


"I wonder why Lilian didn't show up at the cinema. I hope she is alright" She said as she entered the house.

"Good evening daddy" she said as she hugged Mr Callisto.

"How are you dear?" He asked

"I'm fine dad"

"So where's ma popcorn?"

"Didn't bring any"

"Youre lucky i was in a good mood today. Your sister has been quiet in her room.I dunno why, please cheer her up" He said.

"Really? ok dad, daz exactly what I'll do" She said as she climbed up the stairs.

She went to Tina's room and knocked.

"Can i come in?" Stephanie asked.

"If you wish" Tina answered.

She entered and sat close to Tina who sat on the bed hugging her legs.

"What's wrong sis? You could tell me"

"Its nothing, i just dont feel so good"

"Tina, i know you enough to know you are not happy. Talk to me, i will be more than happy to listen.

"You don't spend time with me. You are always with Lilian.Since you love her more than me" Tina said.

"No Tina, that's not true. I just have her as a friend".

"Friend? you guys are closer than sisters. You dont even know her that much. You only met her once and suddenly became friends. Everything is Lilian. You dont care about me anymore" she said as she sniffed.

"You wont understand Tina"

"Then make me understand. Why do you relate with her as if you are close to her? Why do you always wanna be with her? Tell me"

"I can't" she said as she made an attempt to leave but Tina held her hand.

"Please tell me. If you take me as a sister then tell me. If its a secret then i am ready to keep. Please dont leave your sister in the dark. You're hiding something from me. If you dont tell me, then i will hurt myself"

She said as she got out of bed and took a table knife and held it to her hand.

"No Tina please"

"Then if you have one ounce of love for me, then tell me"

"Ok, i will. Just dont hurt yourself" she said

"I won't, now tell me" she said

"I kinda..... I'm a fairy"


" I dont understand what you're saying. Fairies don't exist. You're saying this so i would laugh over it and forget. Just tell me the truth" Tina said as she looked at Stephanie

"I am saying the truth. You never asked me where i lived or where i came from before coming to stay in your house" Stephanie said

"Stop lying to me". She said as she stood up

"But I'm not, its the truth"

"Then prove it to me that you are what you said you are"

"My powers were taken, i can't prove it"

"Then it means you are lying"

"Wait, i could show you this. Follow me to the bathroom"

"The bathroom?"

"Yes, i wanna show you something" she said as she led the way into Tina's bathroom"

Stephanie went to the bathtub and touched the water. She stood and closed her eyes. Suddenly, the water in the bath tub started moving. She raised her hand and the water followed suit. She made it look like a flower.

"Wow" Tina looked stunned as she stepped back.

Stephanie released her hand and the water returned to the bathtub.

"Do you believe me now?" she asked.

"I dont want you to be scared of me. I just wanted to tell you the truth. I'm from Zodar, a planet very far away from here.

"I lost ma family when i was six to the King who ruled unjustly. It was believed that the King before King Rexandro was his brother who reigned justly and with equity.

"King Rexandro killed him and the Queen, but wasn't really able to kill Keira who was their child"

"I lost my powers to the King who unjustly took any supernatural being he laid hand on and made them work as slaves

"An old witch told me that Keira was here on earth and i made her a promise to find her and bring her back to Zodar. I dunno if Lilian is Keira but anytime she is close to me, i feel so much magic and power, more than i have ever felt before.

"That was why I wanted to be close to her, so as to find out who she really is

"Tina please dont tell anyone, for your own safety. Im sorry for everything i caused you. I never meant to snub or ignore you. Please forgive me"

She said as she moved closer to Tina, but Tina moved backwards.

"Dont be scared of me, i promise, i am not bad" She said as she took Tina's hand.

"I cant believe all this. I wish i could wake up from this dream. Why didn't you tell me all these? I would have helped" She said as she held Stephanie's hand.

"I promise not to tell anyone and keep this a secret. And i will help you find Keira, trust me" She said as she hugged Stephanie.

"Thank you" Stephanie said as she hugged her back.


"Hey Lilian" Stephanie called as Tina followed her.

"Hello Stephanie and Tina, how are you doing?" Lilian asked

"We're fine. You never showed up for the movie, what happened?" Stephanie asked as they walked to the canteen.

"I just didn't get home early" She said as she sat down.

"That isnt the matter now. I really want the three of us to go out, wouldn't that be nice?" Tina asked

"Yeah, that will be awesome, what do you say Lilian?" Stephanie asked as they both looked at Lilian"

"You both want me to say yes right" She asked as the two girls looked at her, eager to hear her response.

"Ok fine, we'll go out" Lilian answered.

"That's good, so we'll come to your house and pick you. Could you give us your house address?"

Lilian wrote her house address and gave it to Tina.

They continued talking till Stephanie noticed Lilian was distracted. She traced her eyes and saw it was Kelvin.

"Lilian" Stephanie called

"Yes, what were you saying about the outing? Lilian asked as she fiddled with her food.

"What's up with you and Kelvin?Ive noticed that you continuously stare at him. Is anything wrong?" Stephanie asked.

"No, its nothing" she said.

"You could trust us, we're good at keeping secrets"Tina said as she held Lilian's hand"

"I dunno what's going on with me. I cant take my eyes off him.There's this joy i feel when i see him, and when i dont, i tend to look for him till i find him.

"I think about him everytime and it drives me crazy, i dunno why" She said as she looked back at him.

"Hmm, are you sure it isn't love?" Tina said as she looked at Lilian.

"I dunno, whatever that is, I'll sure get over it" she said as she drank water.


"Where were you yesterday?, we looked everywhere for you?" Derrick asked.

" I just went to get some fresh air" Kelvin answered.

"We got worried bro, we thought something had happened to you" Leo said.

"I'm fine guys, nothing to worry about" He said as he looked around the room.

"So when are we going to host our next party?" Leo asked.

"All you ever lived for is party. Dont you talk about anything apart from girls and parties" Derrick asked.

"Well girls and parties matter to the Green devils doesn't it Kelvin?" He asked Kelvin who seemed to be looking at someone.

Leo traced his eyes and smiled.

"Oh! i see what's going on" Leo said

"What?" Kelvin said as he looked at him.

"I saw the way you looked at that girl, i hope its not what I'm thinking" Leo said as he smiled.

"I told you Leo's head wasn't screwed properly before being born. What is wrong with you? Don't you know Kelvin has a girlfriend? He's not a flirt like you" Derrick said as he smiled.

"Who's a flirt?"

"You're a flirt"

" If im a flirt, then you are a flirt"

"I dont flirt like you"

"You flirt with your books"

"At least im better than you who flirts with girls"

"You won't dare challenge me"

"What am i doing now?"

"Guys, enough with the arguements" Kelvin said as they kept quiet.

"Are you gonna approach her?" Leo asked.

" I dunno, she is too beautiful for me" Kelvin said as he looked in Lilian's direction

"It will be good for me, at least I'll have a girl to take out today. Leo said as he smiled, showing his gaped teeth.

"Don't you dare" Kelvin said as he looked at him

" You are in love man, no doubt. Go for your girl, you might get her if you try" Leo said

"What about the witch? will you dump her?" Derrick asked.

"How will i dump someone who dumped me? we broke up yesterday"

"What!" Leo and Derrick said in unison as they stared at Kelvin.

"It happened yesterday and i dun wanna talk about it" He said as he looked at his food.

"That's a testimony! Finally you have come to your senses. Priya only loved your money, not you. When i tried telling you, you told me i was over-reacting. Finally, that girl has freed you" Derrick said as he clapped his hand.

"That's not ma business anymore, i have many other stuffs to talk about other than that" Kelvin asked as he stood up and walked to where Lilian and the girls where sitting.


"Hey, you mind if i sit with you damsels for a while?" Kelvin asked

"Sure" Tina said

He sat on the chair opposite Lilian, with two empty chairs beside him.

"Im Stephanie, and that is my sister Tina" Stephanie said as Tina waved at him.

"And i guess you must know Lilian" Stephanie said.

"Yes, why wont i? So how are you guys doing?" Kelvin asked as he looked al Lilian.

"We are very fine, what about you?"

"I guess i am too" Kelvin answered.


"Derrick man, im bored here. Let's go sit with Kelvin and those girls" Leo offered.

"I wont allow you to go date another innocent young........." He was caught short as Leo dragged him to the girl's table.

"Hi babes, mind if we join in?"

"Why not? You can" Tina answered.

"Suit yourself, im leaving" Derrick said and was about to leave when Leo held his ear

"Ouch! release ma ear you brat" Derrick said.

"Nah, you're not going anywhere" He said as he dragged him to the chair beside Kelvin and made him sit on it. Then he sat on the chair beside Derrick.

He looked at his side and saw Stephanie.

"What a beautiful damsel you are" Stephanie said a thank you as she blushed.

"Dont mind what he says, he's just a fool who......"

He couldn't speak again as he saw Tina

"Oh!" he stared at her.

Leo noticed and laughed

"Who's the fool now, i thought you said boys who look at girls are cowards, what are you?" He said as he laughed.

"I'll just let you go this time because I'm in a good mood" He said as he smiled at Tina.

"You are the coward Derrick, you're always a coward" Leo said, still laughing

"You are getting on ma nerves Leo. Who's a coward?"

"You're a coward"

"Says who?"

"Leo Browns Wick"

They continued fighting. Kelvin stood up and went to where Lilian was sitting.

"You mind taking a walk with me?" he asked.

"No i don't" she said as she held his hand.

And off they walked, down the hallway and into the garden.

"See, i told you, you are a dump ass who clearly doesn't have a brain, right Kelvin?" Derrick said as he looked at Kelvin but didn't see him.

"OMG! Kelvin has disappeared again, has he been kidnapped?" Derrick said as he got up and started looking for Kelvin.

Leo stood up and held his ear.


"How many girls do you see?"


"What does that tell you?"

"Oh! Kelvin is with the girl huh? Well, its ma luck"

He sat closed to Tina who was laughing her eyes out.

"You guys are so funny" She said as she continued laughing.

"And what a beauty you are when you laugh Madmoiselle"

"Oh thanks" she said as she smiled.

"Mind if we take a walk?" Derrick asked

"Sure thing" she said as she stood up

They walked out but Derrick stopped at the doorway and drew out his tongue to Leo.

"Hey damsel" Leo said.

" Sorry, don't have time to talk, i better be on ma way" Stephanie said as she stood up.

"But we haven't....." His sentence hung as Stephanie made her way out of the cafeteria.

"Oh man! missed her. Well, I'll get her, cos Leo never gives up" He said as he got up and left the cafeteria.


"Can i take you out tonight? I'd really love to hang out with you" Kelvin said as he put his hand in his pockets and stared at Lillian.

"I'm going out with Tina and Stephanie so i might not make it, sorry" Lilian answered.

"Oh! What about my party? Will you come?"

"I don't attend parties so i don't think I'll make it"

"Please do, I'll invite your friends too and I'm sure to take of you. So will you?"

"Okay, I'll come" she agreed.

"Thanks, glad i could spend time with you"

"That's nice. I'll have to go now, I'll be late for class"

"Ok beautiful, see you around"

With that, Lilian made her way into the building.

Priya saw them talking and got angry. She stormed into the building and went to Lilian's class.

She entered without knocking and dragged Lilian out of the class. She carried her to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"Didn't i tell you that i don't want to ever see you with my man? Now you will see what i will do to you" She said as she beat Lilian badly.

Stephanie was sitting with Tina when she felt something on her cheek. She looked and saw a purple sparkle in front of her.

"What is that?" Tina asked.

"I dunno. It wants me to follow it" she said as she stood up.

"I wanna come too" Tina said

"No stay, the lecture might become suspicious"

"Ok, take care then" Tina said as Stephanie stood up.

She took permission from the lecture and followed the sparkle who was floating high up on the ceiling. It left her to the girls toilet.

"Why did you bring me here?" She said as she placed her hand on the door.

"That feeling i feel when im close to Lilian?" She said.

She opened the door and was shocked when she saw Priya beating Lilian.

"Stop" She shouted as she dragged Oriya from Lilian.

"Hey, this is not your business. Its between me and my sister" Priya said

"You are worse than a sister. If you dare come near Lilian again, I'll make you pay" Stephanie said.

"Suit yourself then, this isn't over Lillian, I'm coming for you" she said as she stormed out of the bathroom.

Lilian cried as she sat on the floor.

"What happened?" Stephanie asked

"Its because she saw me with Kelvin that's why" With that, she arrested all that happened the day before and how Proud threatened her to stay away from Kelvin.

"Don't worry, she won't do any more harm to you, Kelvin likes you and you like him, don't let that witch stop you. Follow your heart dear and do what you think is right" Stephanie adviced.

"Thanks" Lilian said as Stephanie helped her to stand up.

"You're welcome" she answered. They came out of the bathroom.

"So we'll pick you up by three?" Stephanie asked.

"Sure" Lilian said as they parted ways.


"I still don't get it Tina, why will a sister influence pain on the other?" Stephanie asked Lillian who was sitting on the bed.

"Priya is an ungrateful being. she doesn't value what nature has given her" Tina said.

"I think there is more to their relationship that i haven't known about. Either ways, let's go Tina, we won't wanna keep her waiting" Stephanie said as they got ready for the outing.


"I guess this must be her house, let's go in" Stephanie said as the Gate-keeper opened the gate and led them in.

They entered the house and saw Me Dickson whom they greeted.

"I guess you're here for Lilian. Her room is upstairs" Mr Dickson directed.

"Thanks sir" they said as they climbed the stairs.

They walked down the passageway when they heard some voices.

"I wonder why dad still keeps her here. She is not my sister but a she-devil found on my doorstep. Anything i'd do to get rid of her i will do. I just hate that girl so much" The voice said.

"That must be Priya" Tina said

"Do you know what that means?" Stephanie asked.

Tina opened her mouth and closed it again.

"We better go before they notice we were peeping on them"

They walked on till they found Lilian's room. Tina knocked and Lilian opened the door.

"Oh! You girls are here. Wait a minute, let me get my bag"

She took her bag and they all left the mansion and headed towards the car.

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