

Free Souls In An Enslaved World
Zacharius Paul was never the kind of guy people would suspect was involved in anarchy, he was the most upright boy in town, being a devout Catholic, he had been baptised and attended church 4 days out of 7 in a week, he volunteered at the homeless shelter near Mississippi and he wanted to become a clergyman someday.

Anne Monroe was not the type of girl nobody would suspect had anything to do with anarchy, she and Bisar were in a relationship, she was a very quiet person, observing the beauty in everything and that's what had led to her being active in such an organisation, the beauty of Michigan was being sabotaged by the government, and they were against it, she could not afford to lose the comfort zone she had and neither could she lose the people she loved, she was the tech expert.

Marie McDonald was the girlfriend of Zacharius, she had been beckoned into action by Zach, and she was their informer, as cheerful and bubbly she was, she could blend in with anyone, and she wasn't gullible at all and had nerves of steel.

Abkortas Iglesias was the quietest one in the group, noone knew what went on inside that head of his, he had planned the attack alongwith Den, he had planned the movements of the attack, while Denezius had picked the weapons and the squad.

The plan was that Denezius, Zacharius and Abkortas would take a black van to the hall, they would ambush everyone in their way and they'd rush the governor, they would have bulletproof kevlar suits and they'd have Joker makeup on and ski masks, they'd burn the black van and their weapons near a ditch in Mississippi, all proof would be vanished and Bisar would come in a car to pick them up.

The plan sounded simple but it wasn't, the girls were fearful of the life of their dearies. Bisar would provide tech support during the assault and he would jam all communicative devices in the area...

Den wasn't worried at all, he didn't fear death, what he feared most is losing Ella, if somehow the FBI located them, dad would use his network to get him out for sure, but if something happened to Ella because of him, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself, she was the love of his life and he really did not like the idea of giving up on the one he loved.

That night all four of them guys were there at Bisar's garage, they were discussing the plan.

Bisar said, "I think we have enough ammo to even withstand a police followup." "Have we gotten enough smoke grenades, Bisar, we'll be needing a smokescreen",Denezius said.

"Yeah, we do the only thing we don't have is time, it's either live or die for all of us.", Bisar sighed.

Abkortas was looking down, apparently in deep thought, he looked up and towards Denezius,cleared his throat and said,"Den I think it's time I tell you something, something that I've planned.", "Yeah tell me", "So what happens is when we leave after assassinating Adams, I suggest we burn down the place.", "But Ab there'd be many people in the place I don't wanna kill those innocent civilians." "Do you have a better option than this, then tell me?". "Okay so look Ab, what we're gonna do is rush in kill the police, then up to the governor, kill him throw smokes and leave.", Zacharius said, "The plan seems unfinished, how about making a short speech on the injustice faced by our people, if Bisar you're able to stall the comms.", " I can get you ten minutes at max", "Then you should make a speech Den, because you've been spearheading this.",Ab told Den.

Den was lost in deep thought, he'd need a voice changer, he thought, a good one that gave a good bass.

Next in queue:-
Den parked the van in an unruly fashion and jumped out of it, he shot the two guards at the gate in the head and they lay down, bleeding, he beckoned the others out of the car, he kicked the door open and inside the scope he saw the governor and fired at his head, he fell down bleeding, people were crying and running, he threw a smoke out of his pocket and they went to their van and away.
© Dhritiman