

Reach out
Sometimes I hope to receive a message or maybe some glimpse, but I know that it's poisonous to even know. A mind haunted by a singular person, an almost unlikely thing. Memories that cut like razors, and with every exhale an uncomfortable wave of dejavu would wash over. How am I to forget you? A snake, a perfect mimic of that I call human, yet such a pure heart of blackness. I still circle on questions, questions I know the answers to. I guess I want to hear them from you. Words to settle the pit you left. Yet I know I can't allow that poison back. I know I can't break to the pressures you had me under. The tortures that had been enforced out of sheer boredom or maybe revenge. Who were you to judge that fate upon me. History? A history tainted by your own hand but now with your own blood. Tainted my own hands with that same blood, while I held you together. So many times, you begged for death, yet so many times I came to your savior. You never asked, I just reacted. Was it love? or Was it the sheer manipulation of my captor. I'd ask if you were happy in the end, but even now I can't show that level of empathy anymore. You broke the very reality I held to. Bending back the glass to look in the most vital of areas. Who was I? What did you see down under all that? Obviously enough to think I was below you. Just to leave a husk in the end