

Speaking Love
Sometimes it is hard to get it right. Often, what I am compelled to say only complicates certain situations. Believe it or not, the guy with the blog and Facebook page, finds it hard to find words at times. When these times come upon me, I find it easier to let something other than myself speak for me.

As a friend loses a loved one, or experiences something neither of us understand, a hug. When I am grateful and am not quite sure for what, I allow birds to sing praise. If I do not know what to pray, either for myself or others, a song. For worry, the pulsing of life in nature, and for anxiety, the very breath I breathe.

Of course, there are doodles. There are the offerings of anonymous gifts. Thoughts of appreciation, well wishes, or gratitude for what is around me. Imaginings of my smiling love into others and also them smiling love back into me, often longer than would be comfortable in real time.

As I experience more of life, I appreciate the teaching, that when we are unable to pray, Spirit prays for us. Which brings me to the question, “where is this Spirit?”

After some consideration, my only thought is that this Spirit is everywhere. It is in the...