

In Love With Rebel💗
A/N: This is my first ever story that i am going to write. English is my second language, so mistakes are inevitable. This story is gonna be in several parts. Do comments please. Your suggestions are really very precious for me and you can also tell my mistakes, I will really appreciate it.
Now please enjoy the story.(。・ω・。)💕

I looked at my wrist watch. I don't want to arrive late at school, so I am running continuosly like a dog. Ah! why do I have to be late on my first day at a new school. Well my name is Nivya and I am sixteen years old , in 11th grade! I have a happy family of four members -my parents, and my little naughty brother and me.
I reached at school in time. Whew!!! That was a tough task. I went to the Principal office and gathered my class schedule. Miss Margarita, my class teacher, took me to the class. And I knew I have to give intro but I am not afraid... I am gonna do it, because I am extrovert and I love making new friends. Actually I am kinda excited. I entered in the class. There were about 30students. Miss Margarita told the class about me and asked me to gave an intro.
"Hello everyone. My name is Nivya. I love making new friends. Please take care of me!!"I said.
Everyone clapped nonchalantly. And
teacher told me to me to take a seat. After that the class began. And after the 15minutes of class suddenly the door open with a strong punch. Everyone flinced on their seats. Miss Margarita sighed and said," Mr. Sebstein Steel take your seat and please take some responsibility and came to class on time!"
He grunted and took an empty seat past me. His hairs were black, eyes were chocolate brown, he has a good body. I was infatuated by his charms. suddenly he looked at me and our eyes met. We were looking at each other. I snapped from his gaze when the whole class started clapping. I realized that the first period was over. There were 3 classes before lunch. We were given too much h.w. yeah! you are right I hate h.w. I clapped happily when bell rang for lunch. During my third period I made a friend, her name was Sara. She was sweet and helpful. We went to cafateria and grabbed our lunch. I asked her about Sebstein, she shuued me and told me not to call him by his 1st name.
She said," Sebstein is a poplular bad boy of our school. He is genius in studies and he is the captain of soccer team. Despite of his charms, he is rude, grumpy and a rebel."
"Rebel?" I asked gulping my food.
"Yeah, a rebel! He always does what he likes, even the things that are against school rules. He always comes late in class, terrifies other students and make them to do his chores. No one can order him to do anything even the teachers can't do this."
"What?? But why??" I asked her.
" Because his father is the main trustee of this school. Therefore no one want to make him angry."
"ohh, but that is rediculous! He need to mend his ways." I said in an angry voice.
Sara looked at me in disbelief," Hey! Nivya, this is no joke. Don't ever try to mess with him. He can distroy your school life!!"
I shooked my head in 'okay'. But inside my mind a part of me wanted to really mess with him, I wanted to turn him into a good person.
(to be continued)...
So cuties💕 how was the first part. please do comment and give your precious suggestions:-)