

Dam You Fear.
Why do you mess with me ?.
I want to tell he beats me even when I want to learn.
I can't tell that I stole , till I am hit with the belt.
I can't tell you , you gave me an STD.
I can't tell a doctor either.
I can't tell anyone.
I guess I won't be having sex for next few years till I get treated or it gose away on its own.
So now I can't ask any female for sex .
I can't force sex from a woman .i am not that type of person.
I can't beat you even when you have wronged me.
I don't hit women.
There are lots of things I wont do as it is wrong.
When fear raises it ugly head i don't make good. deceisions
Fear also stop me from telling you the truth , fear you will get mad at me.
I wont get it because of fear.
I have lived with fear for so long , life is what it is because of fear .
I have never losses a fight nor had to kill anyone.
Fear is not the end to all.