

Untold love story
There was a lady named Riya she was so active and energetic in her workplace, she was always surrounded with peoples, laughing chatting and enjoying her work as well. One fine day Riya was looking at her phone and all of sudden she was surprised, by seeing that one of her client as sent her friend request, the person who recently met on her workplace, she was little confused that why this person as sent her request in FB.
Later she thought that, maybe he wants to know more about the company services so. Riya accepted the request, after few days that same person suddenly came to office, it was 2:10pm, it was lunchtime and riya was not aware of it. He was looking around the office, at the time one of the person came to him and asked how can I help you sir. Then he said that he wants to meet Riya, and that person said: sir please be seated, I will call the riya madam and he went : madam there is a person who wants to meet you, then riya said ok.
Riya thought that someone might be from her home and she came outside of her cabin and stood for a minute and told herself, why this person is here, what his doing here?she went to him and asked, may I help you sir? he smiled and said that, I came to meet you and she said ok, then he told: so if you're free for a minute can we talk? Riya didn't think much and said, sure why not sir, then both sat in guest room and started talking to each other. Riya was not at all surprised or worried about why he wants to talk to her, because she was very sincere in her work and she knows that he was just a client to her, so she asked how can I help you sir. He smiled again and said please don't call me sir, my name is Roy Chaudhari and you can call me Roy.
Riya said: okay Mr. Roy what can I do for you?
Roy said: I have come here to talk with you, not about official work, so I will come to the point. by saying this : Riya I have been watching you since from last 3 month, everytime when I come here and see you, always smiling caring and understanding the people who are surrounded you and helping everyone even though it none of your work, I never seen such kind of person who is so passionate towards the work. I'm quite impressed with your attitudes so I thought to talk with you. Riya accepted the appreciation and said it's my pleasure Mr Roy, and Roy said : if you don't mind , would you like to join me for the launch please please, Riya was not aware what was going in his mind but she is very humble person and very sweetly she said sorry Mr. Roy I wish I could join you but my launch hours is over now so, I must go back to the work, please don't mind I hope you understand. Roy was looking at her continuously and he didn't hear what Riya said to him and she want back to her cabin. After that Roy want with a big smile on his face, here Riya was not understand why this person is praising me so much what could be the reason. she thought herself and ignored it. But were Mr. Roy was floating and dreaming about Riya at the same time he was afraid also because she was very straightforward lady. So after few days he started texting her and said to share the number as well, riya was not aware what was going on, but she was a very good friend too, and she never judge the people very soon. she always understand the person and then react, so without any fear she gave her number. Later massage were continued with good thoughts and they become good friends. Mr. Roy was also a very good person and he always take care about the people who is close to his heart and he knows that Riya's likes and dislikes, and he never wanted to embarrass or hurt her with his talks, but he never stop being behind her and wanted to protect her always. But Riya was not at all aware about it, that someone is behind her so desperately. Both were so different and they never expressed feelings to each other.

Next what happened will see in the 2nd part.........
