

The Mysterious car
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. No one could believe what it was. Was it something unsual? But I want to tell the readers of this story how horrified I was when I noticed everything that happened at last. It was almost 11'o clock when this incident took place. The car was indeed black in colour. I was in my balcony when it took place. I saw there were two men travelling in the car, wearing masks. I thought they were some officers travelling late night. But the twist started few minutes later. I saw that they resided their car a few metres ahead. Both of them got down. I thought they would further have a puff with a cigarette, but it was something else.They got down and both of them talked with each other as if they were thieves. They called someone, as if the third person was their boss or leader. I was curious, so I tried my best to hear their talks. But I could not hear them. So I went down to hear them. After hearing it, I was speechless. I heard that they were planning to fit a bomb in our city which would cause huge explosion. I trembled out of fear. They were quite clever, they saw me behind them. As soon as they saw me, they tried to chase me. I became more nervous and ran with vigour. I yelled loudly but no one heard me as all of them were sleeping then. Only my brother was awake. He heard me and called my parents. My parents further called police. As soon as they arrived, they caught those people. On further inspection, the police told us that they were finding those two people only, who ran out of the jail and was trying to kill everyone in the city. I was reward with the bravest boy in the town. My neighbours also called me "Inspector" from that day.

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