

Wants to be a better person for you
●Chapter 11●

As soon as four of them reached at Vinit's house Vinit pressed the car horn loudly so as to bring priyanshi and Yuvraj back then Vinit cleared his throat and said...
Vinit: if both of you are done by looking at each other than shall we proceed towards my house everyone must be waiting for us.
Both of them started looking other side and Yuvraj gave a straight look to Vinit and he just started smiling and here even ayesha was in a mood to tease priyanshi she said....
Ayesha: Vinit I guess you should have drive for some more time so they could have looked more and would have lost into each other. And these mirror is so small next time just fix a bigger one.
Vinit: yes yes surely.
Both Vinit and Ayesha started laughing and priyanshi gave an angry look to ayesha.
priyanshi: Ayeshaaaa
Ayesha: come everyone must be waiting come out( to change the topic).
Finally priyanshi was around yuvi she was really happy for this but at the same time she didn't know how she would control her feelings for Yuvi because as for her Yuvi likes Disha. But she convince herself and says..
Priyanshi: come on priyu you can do it you should not show him your feelings because he likes Disha but he is your friend too . But right now you have to avoid him so you can get over him. Yes you can do it .
Ayesha was watching all this things, as soon as priyanshi was stopped talking to herself she turned back and Ayesha was exactly standing behind her and she was really surprised and said...
Priyanshi: oh you really scared me.
Ayesha: I scared you, you scared me not only me anyone who would see you talking to yourself like this would be surprised and think you have gone mad. Now tell me what were you thinking ok Let me guess you were thinking how you are going to face Yuvi correct.
Priyanshi: you know right I was really crazy to come here...
Priya: why don't you like here or don't you like me.
Priyanshi: oh priya.
Priya: it's me because of whom you have to come here so you don't like to be here .
Priyanshi: Oh its not like that it's just I feel like little strange because you should be the most important person here as it's your marriage but everyone here are making us feel we are some important guest.
Priya: what's wrong with that.
priyanshi: but .....
Priya: ok then be my friend with whom I can enjoy my marriage functions I do have many cousins but they are all busy for their own preparation for the marriage but I need a friend who can be with me all time and help me with my marriage and also enjoy it.
both Ayesha and priyanshi looked at each other and said....
Priyanshi: ok but but there are some conditions.
Priya: what?
Priyanshi: we don't want any one here to treat us like we are some important guest.
priya: ok
Priyanshi: second No formalities just treat us how you will treat your close friends ok .
Priya: ok.
priyanshi: fine then it's a deal.
Priya: thank you.
Priyanshi: one more thing no thank you between us.
priya: done
Three of them started gossiping about random things.
There Yuvi was even more happy as Priyanshi was there and was thinking how to make priyanshi talk to him again what should he do so she can forgive him for all this year and how to be friends with her like they used to be in their childhood.
Yuvi: Vinit please tell what should I do so she will talk to me did you saw she was talking to everyone but to me she didn't uttered a word.
Vinit: Just chill bro now she is here only just try to talk to her even if she don't talk to you and she didn't talked to you that means you are special for her. so just try don't give up.
Yuvi: you know I will not actually I can't all this year I waited and only tried to be best so that I can be a more better person for her and you think I will give up on her no way.
Vinit: That's more like Yuvi.
Yuvi: So come let's go to talk to her.
Vinit: Now
Yuvi:Yes, now
Vinit: Bro look at the time it's already late she must be in a mood to sleep and don't you think she will definitely not talk to you now so for now drop the plan and sleep.
Yuvi: fine.
Just then Muskaan's call came and Vinit started talking to her. Yuvraj saw this and said...
Yuvraj: Now only he said it's already late and look how he is talking to Muskaan. Looked at Vinit for some time then said.. oh yes she is her girlfriend after all this is the advantage lucky he fine. It's ok Yuvi even your time will come till then try to impress your girl.
Vinit was talking to Muskaan while Yuvi was restless because he really wanted to talk to or atleast see priyanshi one time before sleeping. So he just walked out room and went towards where priyanshi was there .

© bijju1998