

Chapter 1

I was nine when it happened, I could still remember it like it was yesterday, the day my dad left for war, I could remember waiting outside late at night for his return which never seem to come. My dad was a general in the army, he was well known as one of the strongest mages and his fame spread throughout the kingdom. I could remember the day my aunt brought a letter with my family's name on it. I couldn't bring myself to read it but I could tell something was wrong, it had the army's symbol on it, my aunt tried her best to console me but it was to no avail I didn't want to accept the fact that I had lost both of my parents. My mom who died while giving birth to me and now my dad.

The war lasted for about five years, each side showed no sign of backing down, the death of both warriors and civilians had drastically increased, reducing the population of each sides. The leaders of the fractions then decided that it would better if they called a truce and that the fractions should be separated. Tartus(the kingdom of mages), Asterix (the kingdom of sages), Ethum(the land of the shifters)

Now Xavier Alger a fourteen year old orphan stay with is Aunt in a small town called Peritus, somewhere in Tartus (the kingdom of mages)

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