

The clock struck 4.56AM when the door suddenly flung open. I opened my eyes which were still heavy with sleep to take a look at what was at the door...there she was, the girl who gave me company on the slide of loneliness. Her eyes wide and and dark with sparkles that emerged from the reflection of the glowing light bulb, that hung from the ceiling. I looked at her at first without questioning...then I blinked and questioned, "what is the matter?"

Silence flooded the room such that I could hear the sound of electric waves in my brain. Her tranquility made me recall of the moments we had together secretly...she was my cousin-lover. I mean, she was irressistible with her angelic beauty and it is along that lane o admiration that I fall for her...we used to hug, kiss, and hug again and kiss and... although we knew the repercussions if all we did in darkness soon came into light.

She stood still glaring at me as if she were watching TV. She then bunged the door as she closed the door, and my heart trembled at her behaviour. Then there was this thought in my mind...may be she was pregnant for me!

I sprung out of the bed like a cat after a rat and tiptoed to where she was sitting in the living room. I was keen not wake up my relatives who at that time were still sleeping. Silently I approached her then whispered, "Are you sick? Are you pregnant?" she nodded her head meaning NO. My questions were not over yet...I asked her again, "Did you have a nightmare?" She nodded her head meaning YES!

I know my cousin-lover very well. Whenever she has those nightmares she always talks them loud in her sleep...

I thought of it and my mind kept revealing to me that she had said in her sleep, everything we have ever done in secret...she had said it all right in the presence of all my worst relatives... May be they heard her, may be the didn't...

I was so troubled even as I went back into my bedroom. For the rest of that day my eyes remained open to see what would happen, my ears remained awake to hear what would be uttered and my heart became ready to feel the heat of the judgement to be installed in it... @FateF2080