

Blood into Ink (Trigger Warning. Self harm is the main theme.)
I used to expell my own pain and insanity by spilling my own blood. Something inside of me needed to be exorcised. But cut after cut, breakdown after breakdown this thing inside of me would just root itself deeper. My years of blood went on as "normal" as possible. And then it happened.

An epiphany. A strong and solid resolve I had ever felt before. I stopped. It stopped. And it slowly but surely disconnected itself entirely. And eventually the scars began to even out and disappear as much as is possible. It stopped the blood.

On September 18, 2009, over 10 years now, I no longer bleed to liberate my thoughts. Now... I use ink. Every thought that is written is another thought freed from a broken soul that is ready to put themselves back together. To heal.

And writing, for me, is a perfect way to do just that.

To heal.