

Remember, I Never Asked You
How come you don’t swear?
I really don’t feel the need.
There’s too many words to express myself.
Existentially That’s just me.

How come you don’t smoke?
It doesn’t appeal to me.
There’s too many friends I lost to the drug
But I respect those who disagree.

How come you don’t honor your birthday?
Why do you honor yours?
The day of one’s death means more then one’s birth
You’re known for who you were.

How come you don’t celebrate holidays?
Why do you? just the same.
If you give me answer, based with sound reason
I’ll dignify you and explain.

How come you don’t get drunk?
I really don’t feel the need.
I enjoy a drink in moderation but endeavor to not exceed.
I come from a family of alcoholics and witnessed the pain it caused.
I don’t need to justify or answer to you,
you seem to be very lost.

You’re asking me questions
that I don’t need to answer
I’ll dignify you with my thoughts.
But don’t judge my answer, accuse me of judging
Just because you don’t like my response.

Remember I never asked you,
I respect you for who you are.
So don’t try to judge me for thinking so different
Just because you don’t know who you are.

It saddens me when people succumb
to everything they’ve been taught
To everything they’ve been exposed to and allow it to control their thoughts.

I wish more people would think for themselves
And not become a product of someone’s design.
A bi-product of their environment,
is what I always seem to find.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨