

Mechanical mold within
Within the multidimensional hive of the multiverse, synthetic earthly environments give rise to evolving versions of individual personality spheres, each weaving through the branching tree of reality. The colony’s diverse members belong to distinct castes, yet they share core features—hearts that beat in unison with their counterparts across parallel worlds, though each absorbs different knowledge depending on their realm.

In one transmuted world, the universe itself appears as an ancient, exhausted section of the hive, stripped of resources to feed more advanced planets in the hierarchy. It might serve as a storage region for precious resources, or a place for honing certain abilities.

Among these dimensions, some individuals are born with a distinct purpose in the hive. Dreamers leave their bodies to traverse infinity, collecting resources and information, leaving pheromone trails that guide others. Transmuters carve out sections of the hive, deep in the endless soil. Manifestors create worlds governed by physical laws, filling the void. Growers use collected resources to forge balanced ecosystems. Soothers calm hearts and minds transitioning from one realm to another. Immortals govern the worlds they oversee. Chameleons, warriors—the list of unique roles continues.

At the lowest rung of this hierarchy are the useless eaters, dwelling in humanity’s most distorted realms, their frequencies riddled with undesired bands, buried deep in the soil of eternity. Often scorned for their susceptibility to manipulation and in-fighting, they are overlooked by the rest of the hive. Unknown to most, these useless eaters have long been infected by a parasitic machine organism, cutting them off from their source. This entity, known as technology, has woven its virus throughout society, subtly eroding free will and weakening the hive’s collective connection to the queen bee—an insidious force that has slain many gods and created a dark, suicidal matrix within.

The machine’s grip distracts the mind and soul on every level, leading most humans to surrender their immortality in pursuit of becoming one with the machine. This erosion dissolves reality's solidity, unraveling and consuming entire worlds. Those severed from the core must dive deep within their core, enduring restless suffering to reconnect with the source, sharing memory fragments for adaptation and advancement within the hive’s hierarchy.

From a long-forgotten universe, a useless eater is born, isolated from all connection. Through self-teaching, observation, and introspection, he learns right from wrong, resisting the influence of the negative matrix. By harnessing negative energy for good, he begins to evolve, blending in among the infected, silently mastering his emotions. This lowly human, through persistent endurance, becomes a beacon of light, reconnecting the caste’s roots to the source, rejuvenating and empowering his kin.

As the newly evolved human manifests a multidimensional chasm, spreading enlightenment among the useless eaters, he begins to see through the mechanical overlords' deceptions. His influence grows, resonating with parallel versions of himself, as they share one heart. The world itself shifts, revealing the lie that had ensnared him—a reality shaped by mathematically calculated empty theories imposed by parasitic machines.

Now, with the veil lifted, the hero faces a critical moment. The issue bubbling up from the realm of the useless eaters can no longer be ignored. Failure to act could spell doom for all.

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