

It's right out' If we could go all out

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? For many minutes she gazed' unfailing to hold on to her thoughts that someone could be out there' she peered out of her window so long enough until she could perceive the reality of her imagination - Daring, she goes out into the dark with a little light flashing her path' she walked meters away and found a child clutched unto a box' with fear' she grabbed the box and tread the darkness back home. Nurturing the child and hoping that someone may but come looking for her' she raised the child until she grew strong. Strong to such that she became her only source of hope' had she left the box, had she not dare to walk through the darkness? what would be her story'? Sometimes, we may need to risk our all to earn our all'......