

Who am I without a mother
A mother is a precious gift. The word mother is indeed small but the feelings and importance are very big. A mother's love is something no one can explain it is made up of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain.

A mother is your first friend, your best friend and your forever friend. She isn't only a friend but also a teacher, doctor, guide, philosopher and even a psychologist. She is the one who held my hand and taught me to walk, eat, speak and write. No matter how much pain she feels, how many criticize her she will always act as a protective shield for her family. What hurts the most is that many children now take advantage of their mothers and choose to play by their own rules, this creates a deep wound in a mother's heart as she keeps hoping they will one day change.

For me every chance I get with my mom I'm willing to make her proud and show her love and respect. Where could I be without my mother? Probably in the streets without a future, dreams or potential to make my tomorrow better than my today. In fact I would be in a lion's den or dancing with death for a long time. What I know is that even if I don't reach my dreams, goals or choise a different path she will still care and love me although she may be hurting because of the person I have become as our mothers are warriors. When I talk of a mother it doesn't mean by label or someone with a child but it's the actions, bravery and acts of selflessness, the only constant in this ever changing world, now that's a mother.

If it wasn't for that woman I wouldn't be here. She may be a domestic worker but that is what will make me a doctor, accountant or an engineer one day. My mother's love and actions can never be repaid as she has been my shoulder to cry on for so many years, her hand my thermometer, her chest my pillow, her heart beat my soothing music and her love the reason to wake up and work hard to be better each day, be the whole ocean in one drop. Even during my failures and my falls she always picks me up and encourage me to do my best, reach my full potential and reminds me that my past can never determine my future. I've been working hard to reach our dreams as I know when I succeed she will be the one dancing on air the most, she will be proud of me and herself as behind the success of every child is a mother who stayed up all night to bring her dreams to reality. What is behind a strong woman? Obvious it a strong mom.

What we, you and me should remember is that a mother is she who can take the place of all others (teachers, doctors, advisors and more) but whose place no one can take. Without her we are like a glass half filled, we are don't know whether we are half full or half empty. So let us make each day a mother's day to honour and show gratitude to our mothers, after all they are our heroines. Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there💕❤.

© lungy