

The Unidentical Triplets
When ever anyone say you are perfect the only way you are and you don't have to change for others, what do you think it means?
Let me tell you a story.......
Dicordo was one of the most famous sculpture in the world, he was known for his beautiful designs and shapes, each year he would have exibition for his statues of the year, but unfortunately because of a haitus he wasn't able to make anything that speacial, so 1 week before he decided to make three identical statue and call it ' the same minds', so he started his work, he worked for 4 day continuously but he was disappointed when he saw the statues, one of them was with deep eyes and thin lips it's baby hair were on forehead too, while the second one was with poping out eyes, thick lips , hair were like the first statue but weren't on forehead, and different from both the third one was with hooded eyes that gave a Asian look, lips were heart,face shape was oblong and hairs were completely...