

That sparkler with ribbons... pt-2
you can read previous part on my account if you haven't,
happy reading 🌼

She was truely exited for a treasure hunt as if one of her fantasies came true !
what was the truth behind.. she sneaked towards the spot going through the allys she didn't explore until. She ended up in an area behind the side building she kinda remembered the trees around but couldn't recognise it, she comes to a window and then looks at the map which had the red cross a few steps ahead, she didn't see the gate so decided to jump in from the window, fortunately it was unlocked..
She jumps in and sees the room covered in black sheets and curtains and as soon as she reached the cross position all lights turn on and the sheets get removed the classmates show up saying happy birthday Akiraaa. She was so happy after such a thoughtful surprise from all classmates there were gifts arranged in a special way when her friend took her to teacher's stage and showed her that it looks like a 7!
She was a lucky girl born on 7-7-07. The clock rings and they all were called to assembly ground , when they came in the class teacher introduced them to a new comer, "this is your new classmate Hidenori, I would like you all to be friends with him and help him out .Akira, I give his responsibility to you, give him a tour of our school and let him sit beside you"
The classroom had pindrop silence as the teacher asked something impossible from Akira! She won't let any student sit near her! Boy or Girl doesn't matter..
She would always give reasons that she's too messy, she needs extra space for other books or she's sick but, today surprisingly she shifted to a side but the boy stood there and asked the teacher " excuse me teacher can you make me sit beside a boy?

© drunk soul