

My friend is killer (part 4)
*Jack looks at that tattoo and thinks in his mind that I have seen this tattoo somewhere. Jack tells Daisy that you wait for me, I forgot something.
Saying this he went upstairs to his room. He sits in the room and thinks that if I am not wrong, this tattoo was also made by Heena and maybe she is hiding something from me.
He comes down to Daisy and doesn't say anything to her. Then Daisy says that you will not tell me anything. Jack answers him no.
On this Daisy starts laughing loudly and says, "You recognized me. You have won but the game is still on. Tell me why did you kill him?" Jack says I can't understand what you are saying. Daisy says really you don't remember anything then what do you think after 5 years I have come to you to hear this.That you don't know anything.

Jack regrets his actions and says, forgive me, I did not want to do this. My intention was not to hurt your parents. Daisy says tell me everything, I want to know everything. Jack tells that at that time your father had to check and sign my father's business file.
He did not approve the file. Due to which we suffered huge losses in business and after this my father's health also deteriorated. That night when I was bringing medicines for father, some people were searching for your father, I told them the address of your house.
THey asked me to accompany him so I was present with him. I didn't know that they would kill them . After Rayna was caught, he asked to kill her too But I saved her by saying that it would be better to kill both the sisters together.
After this everyone searched for you a lot but you were nowhere to be found. I also searched for you so that I could save you from those people but I could not find you either. I'm sorry, I became the reason for your ruined life. Daisy says you will not get forgiveness at all. Not only did you kill my parents, you also ruined Rayana's life.

Forgive me, I know that my mistake is unforgivable, still I apologize to you from my heart. I won't create any more trouble for you. As soon as he says this, Jack shoots himself. He falls on the ground and makes hand signals to call Daisy closer. Daisy goes to him and Jack hugs her and says I love you Heena. I always loved you, I am sorry that I became the reason for spoiling your life.

Daisy has tears in her eyes after seeing Jack in this condition. Daisy starts caressing his head lovingly when someone shoots her from behind. , When she turns and looks, it is none other than her sister Rayna. Daisy did not even have enough time to tell her sister that she was Heena.
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