

The twins
Jela and Kala were born on may.25 1996. When they were born jela and Kala's mother knew she was going to have her hands full coming home with not one baby but two. They came out 6 pounds 2 ounces. 24 inches tall. Jela was more light-skinned than Kala but they looked identical.

"Our baby is gorgeous," Kayla said talking to her boyfriend

"Yes we made some beautiful babies," Cortez said.
After the babies were born Kayla was able to take her healthy babies home. When they got home her neighbor came over to see the babies.

"Omgie you had the babies I see," Michelle said

"Yes girl, in labor for 13 hours," Kayla said.

"And look what you've created. The most beautiful girls" Michelle said without touching them.

A few months pass and Jela and Kala are now 11 months. They were walking, running, and eating regular foods. Kayla wanted to have a little party since they are about to be 1 in May.

"Hey bae I think I wanna take them to the park and have like a little kid party. How does that sound?" Kayla asked

"Sounds good bae. Let me know if you need anything else to get some stuff." Cortez said.

Kayla started calling all her friends who were moms to let them know they were going to throw Jela and Kala a little kid party at the park in two days.

The next day Kayla went out to buy all the party stuff while Cortez stayed at the house with the girls
Kayla grabbed balloons, cupcakes, ice cream, some hot dogs, chips, juices, hamburgers, and candy. She wanted the day to feel special and make sure everybody had a good time.

On the day of the party, Cortez went out to set up the decorations at the park while Kayla stayed home getting the girls all pretty. Kayla best friend of 10 years walks in.

"Hey, are you and my god babies ready?" Grace said.
"Yes we are," said Kayla.
"We are going to have so much fun jello and Kala," Grace said.

Back at the park, Cortez had everything set up and ready to go. A few of Kayla's friends were already there with their kiddos. Kayla pulled up 30 minutes later getting out with the girls. Walking over to the park Grace saw a car just parked to the side under the tree with dark tinted windows. But she didn't pay it any mind.

"Hey everyone, I'm glad y'all can make it," Kayla said.

While everyone was out playing with their kids jela Kala and a few other kids ran over to the playground away from their parents. The girl who was sitting in the car under the tree got out of the car and headed toward playing where Kala and jelaJelae

A few minutes passed and Kayla began to go over to where her kids were to get them ready to eat. She found Jela but she couldn't find Kala.

"Kala" Kayla called out but she still didn't see her.

"KAALAA" she yelled out again. Looking under the slide by the swings.  This time she began to freak out.

"CORTEZ I CAN'T FIND KALA I CAN'T FIND KALA" Kayla yelled crying and panicking.

Cortez ran over to Kayla looking everywhere. asking everyone as they had seen his daughter. Everyone said no. Cortez pulled out his cell and called 911

"911 what's your emergency?" Operater said.
"Yes my daughter has been kidnapped we can't find her anywhere," Cortez said
"How old is your daughter sir?" Operater said.
"She's she's one" Cortez
"What did she have on?" The operator said
"Blues jeans, black shirt with her picture on the front. her hair is braided into a ponytail" Cortez said.
"Hand tight we have an officer on his way now," the operator said.

© Myesha O