

my journey
My journey begins as a Safety Officer in one of the Korean companies Daewoo E&C.
Within 4 months, I got terminated due to office politics and being a fresher I didn't have much idea how people manipulate words.

One of my colleagues told my brother that Rizi isn't competent to adjust to this post and had better let him apply in some other field.

I took up it as a challenge and on my last day I told my Manager,

"Mr Kim, I will not end my journey here, I'll return with all necessary professional certificates and experience and one day i will work with you".

Alhamdulillah after one year of hard work, I got a chance at GS E&C Saudi Arabia to join as Safety Supervisor which was also one of the Korean companies and, since now, the journey is continuing.

Alhamdulillah for everything.
© rizi