

Walking at the street while crying out loud.... it's after raining so the wind was cold but I felt the warm when it touch in my skin, my feeling so down seems like I'm gonna explode somehow... I remember that day when he left me, Not because he cheated on me, but because he passed away 2 weeks ago.

He called me 3 times but I didn't picked up co's I'm busy doing something that time... Now I regret everything, He needs me before but I ignored him so many times. And now I'm like a crazy person who checked my phone every single of time, Hoping that one day he called and I promise I pick it up. But then, my tears started to come out into my eyes and fell from my gloomy face while holding my breath and my phone in my hands as I walked at the street in a late at night.


"RINGGGGGGGGG" I quickly look at my phone expecting that it was ringing but not

"Where was it? Am I crazy?" I said to myself as I look around just to find where the hell was ringing then I stop my gazed at the dark corner...