

Ready To Die
Are you ready to die? You ask anybody this question and they would only say and wish to live...

Why is everyone not ready to die and only want to live. Literally the meaning is not exactly as the question exacts a yes or no answer.

Let me introspect the question in another way. Most of or or most of all who are reading this should have gone through some level of education. Let's say a teacher wishes to hold a test for the students and wants to know know whether they are ready to take the test next week. Now most of the students would come up with an excuse something or the other to delay the test for some reason or the other. When we doubt ourselves we are not ready for anything whether it is test in a class or something else big in one's life. This is because we keep postponing things in our lives and when the time arrives like a thief then we come face to face with the truth. If a farmer or a gardener doesn't water the plants regularly then when it is time for harvest we won't be in a position to harvest the crop on time. Crops cannot wait to be watered to yield a good crop at the time of harvest.

We are trained from early times to finish our work on time. Seldom we pay attention to these little details which is a lifeline for our well-being and growth. Let me give you from a story an example of a boy who went from committing small crimes to big crimes when one day he was apprehended and sent to prison. When this small boy was making small mistakes when he was young his mom ignored him to correct those mistakes. When the boy grew up he made big mistakes he began committing big mistakes and the cops caught him. The boy was very furious because as a small boy when he made small mistakes his mother didn't correct him although she knew her son was doing the right thing. Had she checked him in the beginning he wouldn't have grown up as a bad person, instead he would be living a respected life. To his furious when the cops caught him he took time to meet his mother. He bit one of her ears because she was quiet when he was small doing small mistakes.

Yes friends, we must pay attention to small things when they are small or we may have to face the harsh truth when we come face to face and we'll seldom have the time to overcome them thereby giving us big losses in our lives.

In contrast let me tell you other story of another boy whose corrected him when he said his first lie. Here is the story of a young boy when he said his first lie, she corrected him and she told him uplifting stories of people who made it big in their life. As a young boy all that the boy heard had a profound effect on him when he grew up. This is the story of Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi who later brought freedom for India and in turn inspired many others who liked to follow in his footsteps of non-violence. What Gandhi's mother had taught him gave him more knowledge and wisdom than what he received later studying and practicing as a lawyer. So small things when we see it when they are small is very important for the growth and the development of an individual and also influence others around them.

Let's not see the question in the title in it's literal meaning. Instead we shall see how we can learn from the question given in the title. We ignore the small things that can bring us more joy and happiness to us and the people around, instead we work for that can bring us unhappiness and destruction. On this International Women's Day lets see how women can bring us lasting and uplifting change. Let's not ignore Women's voices. We need to respect them in our day to day lives and not just today. Today is like a New Year we make new resolutions in the new year. Let's make a resolution on this International Women's Day 2021 to respect 🙏 women.

It was the invention of a woman that could help so many blind men and women to read and write. Let's remember our women and help them ❤ in every way and whatever way.

That was just a side note to our topic. Let's remember to pay attention to small things in our lives to improve the quality of our life and those around us. We need to be prepared and this is exactly what we go through in education. We don't go through the subjects. We get to learn the subjects and getting the real education is to learn what we're not taught in our schools and education. A real education must let you dream and explore the possibilities of a real education can give. Internet has changed the way we look at things. But, has it really brought real changes? The answer is definitely 'no.' If we want to see our quality of life and those around us we must begin with ourselves first. We don't speak of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk just as we speak about Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Helen Keller or for that matter who have positively impacted the life of others by setting up an example for others with their own lives. Famous people who we remember today even after hundreds of years after they have died is because they have impacted tge lives of many in a positive way. In whatever small positive way you contribute to the society will affect the lives of others around you in a positive way. No one likes thieves or robbers, or no one wants to come face to face facing a tsunami, a cyclone or storm unprepared. Whatever it is we need to be prepared and this must begin early.

We know the story of the little boy who kept awake all night to save his people from a Dyke breaking and killing them in the middle of the night. Then we know other stories of how one person's carelessness has brought destruction to others. Just as in a class when the teacher wants to hold a test for the next week, we must be prepared to take the test at anytime. We must not always see the literal meaning of things, but we must also learn to look at them analytical. That is real education we must learn from bring educated.
© S. Francis Hector