

some facts that I got in 2 weeks of school
Before you read and don't understand I'm in a pretty bad mess right now. I see people from last year that hurt me and act like nothing happened. I don't even know how but I'm already overwhelmed and yes if you read you'll be my friend for a few minutes. Let's say that without anyone to talk to here you go.

The next hug that I'll give I hope is to someone that truly cares about me not like the last one.

Love? Friendship? When will this come to me in a true way? Like I'm tired of fake friends saying that I'm stupid and don't deserve anything. Maybe I truly am if I didn't see them betraying me, or maybe I just didn't want to be alone again.

Welp you know what's the difficult thing that I have to face every single day... I see the people that left me and need to make it seem like I'm okay

Oof when people will start to understand how others feels when they're being inconsiderate this world will be the best.

Let's be honest having a crush or even just someone to put your eyes on can be pretty damaging. You see him/her living their best life wishing they thought about you too but nope you're not who they think about.

Ahhh I'm gonna explode soon, today it just got even worse. Bye people

In 2 weeks I found myself talking more then in a summer oh right I need to talk to school I'm obligated.

Now tell me, after you hurt me how can you still talk to me and make me understand how you still don't give a fuck ah right that's your talent.

I now have a lot of comebacks because of different fights so yep I can cry on the inside and be ironic and sarcastic on the outside while others think I'm fine anddd destroying the shit out of the person making me feel worthless.

I want a best friend ASAP like I have now seen it all. I just found out that I can't just write i need answers.

© The unknown person