

Shadows whisper at night chapter 3
Levi sits on his bed in a hotel.He glides through channels on the TV not really concentraiting.He hears a knock on his door.He opens suprised to see no one.He looks down and a note lies folded in half on the floor.He picks it up and closes the door.He sits on the bed and reads the note.It only reads
"The woods."
Levi gets chills and puts the note on the table.He turns off the TV and tries to sleep.

Meanwhile back at the house Laura looks up for more stories on the house but luckily cant find anything.She also tries to call it a night until she hears a loud bang on the door.She gets up to see what it is only to see a double edged axe stuck in the door.She calls the police and Levi.She's awake the whole night with the police until the next morning when Levi's flight arrives back in america.He gets home and is confronted by Laura.
"Something happend."She says with a straight face.Levi sits by her.She looks terrified and she's wrapped in a blanket.She tells Levi about the situation amd how scared she was.He tries to calm her down.She breaks down and hugs Levi when a tear rolls down her cheek.Levi looks up and see's Sasha standing in the hallway when she says
"He's coming."
Levi is shocked but Sasha dissapears again.After a while Laura sits dowm at his table and asks
"C...Can I maybe just saty here tonight.I...I dont wanna be alone."
Levi knew that she didnt do well when it came to situations like this.
"Yeah sure."
Levi responds.He hears a knock on the door.He walks up to it.The hole where the axe was is closed up by some tape and carboard.He opens it and see's yet another note on the floor.He opens it and it reads
"The forest.My game will be played."
Sasha scares him and he yells insanely loud
"Sasha you scared the hell out of me!"
"Its ok Im sorry for yelling.Do you know who's sending these notes or who put the axe in the door?"
"Yes.The huntsman killer.Look it up."
"Thank you.I'll call you when foods ready."
She says and again dissapears.Levi think about the name and doesnt like the fact that it lingers in his mind.He goes to the kitchen and again see's Laura shaking.He thinks of a way to get her happy again but cant tuink of anything.He goes to his room and keeps a gun in his shelf near his bed incase.He goes back to the kitchen and starts making dinner.
After he's done he puts food on the table and searches the huntsman killers name on his phone.An article dated back all the way in 1997 reads
"Local killer with over 100 murders found dead.Police couldnt catch him through their entire career."
He reads through the story
"The huntsman killer was known as a killer with one of the most murders in the world.An unknown of how many murders exactly he was never caught by any police.He was known for killing his victims in the forest but first playing a game where they would have to fight against him.No one ever won.He was spotted on camera once by a photographer James Reese around a year earlier.The camera had a motion senser and was meant to take a photo of wildlife in the area.Rather it picked up the huntsman swinging his axe at the head of Laura Nicks one of his victims.The huntsman was found dead in a resedense not to far from the forest.His weopons and mask were found at his bed side.Doctors say he died of a heart attack.His mask was notorious because of it looking like a fox.His double edged axe was also found with blood of victims.He was known for leaving notes at the victims houses a few days before he would kidnap them.Police were un able to cath the murderer before than.Another murder in this small county."

(fantastic now we have a murderer arc like this could get any worse.)Levi thinks.His thought is inturrupted by the noise of chopping.He then realises he's in a dream now.He doesnt remember falling asleep.He srands on a dark island with only black sand and one palm tree.The wood black but the leaves tge same bright cyan colour of the butterflies.He looks around and a sea of red blood is all around him.In the air a Note hovers and a red rose the colour of blood brside it.Behind that he see's and axe and the shadow of a woman.He then realises its Laura he cant do anything but still tries.He picks up rocks but they all fade like shadow in his hand.He then gets awoken by a barking Benny and a sad Laura.He realises its morning and he was sleeping the entire time.He gets up and sits on his beds end.Laura sits on a chair biting her nails oppisite the bed.
Levi doesnt know what to say.The words he imagens fly away into the air and dissapear like shadows.He looks around his room and as he see's a truck drive by the outside window.Through the glare of the just risen sun the truck has a poster of the circus on it.Levi thinks of how amazing it would be to lighten up Laura and with that.
"Why dont we go to the circus.Their having a carnival today not to far from here."
"Out of all the times your trying to get a date of me because Im an easy target right.Perverted womanizer."
"H..Hey thats not what I wanna do.I want to take you to the carnival to take your mind off of all thats happend cant you realise when someone is trying to show they care about you."
Levi blurts out.He immidiatly blushes realizing what he said and Laura blushing hides her face behind her hands and says
"P...Perverted i...idiot.I'll go to the carnival just dont get all touchy."
"G...great atleast your lightning up a bit."
He stands up and walks out of the room blushing.Sasha appears in the hallway and scares him.
"That was cute to watch."
"H...were just friends..."
"Oh yeah...you totally didnt invite her on a date."
"Y...Your too mature for your age."
Levi smiles and Sasha giggles
"Im coming with right?"
"Yeah ofcourse."
"You sure I wont be a third wheel to this date."
"Its not a date!"Levi blurts out shy

Sasha laughs before dissapearing to the attic.A while passes and while Elvi dresses he start to host his own fashion show about what to wear.It starts with a fasionable black suit and red tie.TOO FORMAL.He then dresses in a tradisional japanese robe.TOO CASUAL.Finnally he puts on a a pair of blqck shorts,high top laced red shoe's and a "flogging molly" shirt under a red jacket that goes over it only open in the front unzipped and no hoodie only about hip length long.PERFECTLY FASHIONED 10/10.He then walks out only to see Laura in a white dress with a skirt knee high and short sleeves at her arms.Along with a BEAUTIFULL dress she wears an amazing hair clip of a cyan blue butterfly.Oh and a rose pin on her dress.For no reason at all.No writing author with his logo being a rose or anything WHAT so ever.Levi blushes and his speechless.
Laura says with a dissaproving face
"C...come on."
"I dont think its right for the patient to help the doctor."
"Just give it a try please?"
she shrugs.Levi tries to think but sadly the words in his head blurt out of his stupid idiodic mouth
(Damn she looks good)
"Damn she looks good."
"Did I...say..th...that out loud?"
Laura covers her face with her hands as she blushes and shakes her head to show yes.
"I...I should go."
Levi tries to walk out hitting his head in the wall before finnally leaving.Sasha laughing all the while.Levi sits in the car nervously waiting for Laura.Sasha sitting in the baxk of the car says
"It'll be fine...you do like her though dont you?"
"Wh...yes...a bit..."
"Then take the risk...make a move.Im sure she feels the same."
Laura walks outside and gets in the passanger seat of the car.
"Lets do this thing."
(finally no more...)
"Perverted idiot."
(There we are)
Levi thinks.He laughs and Laura blushes looking suprised.He starts the car and they drive off.As they drive their faveroute song plays...mr.happyside...copyright for fu...They sing and dance together.Laura feels a bit better and Levi feels motivated to make it a good day.They reach the carnival.A clown spinning flaming bowling pins with a funny face pqinted on.A bunch of food stand and game stands with games like shoot the duck and a huge circus tent in the middle of it all.Red and black tent.Laura almost immidiatly runs forward toward a game stand and grabs Levi's hand.Levi grabs Sasha's altough it looks strange.They go to a darts stand.Levi throws and almost completely miss.Laura lands it on the red with all three.Sasha is able to throw the darts and somehow lands it not to awfully.
"You can pick stuff up?"
"Yeah...How do you think I wear clothes or play with tge doll you gave me."
"Never really thought about it."
"The concept of ghosts to humans are allot diffrent than shadows.Altough shadows are transperent and can dissapear quickly we can also interact with things and choose how can hear our whisper.Tough not gear us speak only short whispers you can hear long whispers and see and hear me permanantly making you spesial."
"How do you know all this?"
"I once met a woman when I just came back as a shadow.She explained to me the concept of shadows.She was also obsessed with love."
The booth guy looks at him confused
"S...sir who are you talking too?"
"O...Oh just a mini ear piece."
"Where is it?"
"Anyway later."
Laura says laughing as Levi and her wuickly run away from the booth.They have more fun at the carnival until the sun sets.The light shines on the booth's as people are going into the tent to watch the show.Levi sits one side waiting for Laura to finish up getting snacks.He looks left only too see an axe on a tree.Two edged and below it a note with a rose next too it and Laura written next to it in big letters.Levi's hearts comes to a still stance.The circus is in the middle of the forest.The same from the newspaper?.No this isnt a cliché horror.Levi thinks he tries to rush Laura inside with Sasha.
"Whats wrong?"
"Whats wrong why...why are we rushing."
"He's here.Calm down."
Laura's eyes go dark and her skin pale.She silently and fearfully goes into the audience.Levi sits her and Sasha down at the seats then says
"Sit here...I'll be back.Im changing this.But if anything happens...I...I like you Laura.I hope life goes well."
He kisses her on the cheek and the etire tent goes slow motion.He pulls away and the lights go on.An elephant walks out and the show start.Laura blushes and holds ger cheek hoping for the best to happen.Levi walks outside and see's the axe gone but the note still there.Levi steals a knife from one of the near food stands.He walks up to the note and its just a blank paper with blood on it drawing a fox.

He looks bqck with his eyes not moving his head and dodges right.Tge tent to the left and the huntsman strikes the axe against the trew missing Levi.He pulls the axe out slowly.A big man with his fox mask and double edged axe.Levi takes out the knife and starts running to the food stands.The huntsman for a big man runs faster than it seems he could He swings horizontally at Levi and he dodges.The axe stuck in the food stand wall.Levi takes the knife and tries to stab him but realizes it doesnt work.The huntsman kicks him back making him fall on his back.The huntsman pulls his axe out the wood.Levi tries to understand his story to help him or be helped.He walks back slowly and see's an axe near a tree.A throwing axe used for one of the games.He takes it and throws the huntsman in the head.His mask cracks and breaks halfway through.He looks at his face and his mouth is litterally sown shut.Levi looks suprised as a cyan blue butterfly flies by them.Levi than has a vision.

A man sits at a hospital.A woman on the bed infront of him deceased its his wife.He walks outside the hospital and throws the pills he was meant to take on the floor until he's hit by a car.Sadly a man who had given him money and the man didnt pay back.They put him in the trunk and drive him to a warehouse.Cyan butterflies fly by them all as the sun sets.They take the man to a torture room.They torture the man mercelessly.Cuts bruses over and over over over over.Sewing his mouth shut and cutting foxes into his arms with a knife as their gang sign.The man after weeks of torture.Lost his mind.Not aware of time or where he is he starts smiling.The man who tortured him with his fox mask walks in.He gets close to the man with his head down and the man headbuts him.He breaks one of his hands tied down out of cable ties and grabs the knife from a nearby table.He cuts his other hand loose and continues to stab the man over and ove over over over over over.After he's done he takes the mask.A pair of old clothes and an axe double edged and lying in the corner.He burns down the warehoude with gasoline and as he gets home he throws tge axe on the couch.He sits down and holding the mask in his hands he vows to kill everyone connected to his torture.Even their families.He uses his wife's blood feeder eating through a pipe and he grabs his axe.Puts on the mask and so starts a blood lust within him.Murdering everyone connected to the murder.After he murders all of them he wishes that he wouldve rather died.He starts killing until he can find someone to murder him and in return dies of bad condition before he can find that person.

The vision ends and Levi see's the huntsman's eyes on the verge of tears.He realizes he has to be the one to kill him.Levi has a past of fighting.He doesnt like to think of it but he wants to end this.For Laura.He grabs another tomahawk that lies there.He runs forward and dodged an axe swing just just.The swing was vertical and he dodges left the axe just barely missing him grazes his arm.He swing the tomahawk down into the huntsmans wrists and the huntsman lets go of the axe stepping back.Levi grabs the axe and swing vertically.The huntsman dodges but Levi just in time turns the direction of the axe into the huntsman's stomach.The huntsman falls as the axe goes deep in.On his back the huntsman start fading away.His sewing in his mouth fades away and he talks one last time.
"Th...Thank you.I jus...just want to...kiss...her one more tim..."
The man says while he smiles and a tear rollls down his cheek.He fades away into the same bright cyan butterflies.One lands on the axe handle before it also dissapears.Levi stands up and rubs his arm bleeding.He looks up at the butterflies flying away into the night sky fading in with the light of the moon.He takes a piece of cloth from his shirt and covers it tieing it down.He walks into the circus entrance.The show is about a man throwing axes around a woman spinning on a wheel.He looks at Laura and she immidiatly runs toward him.
"Levi are you ok!Your arm its covered where is the huntsman!?"
"He's gone.But Laura."
She looks up at him.The reflection of his green eyes shine to her.He leans down looking into her blue eyes.He kisses her grabbing her and pulling her close.Laura suprised soon leans in a bit just halfway closing her eyes and kissing back.After a couple of seconds she pulls back.
"Levi...we cant...this is not proffesionell."
"Im sorry...I didnt..."
"Thank you for the huntsman but I cant...we cant...Im sorry."
She runs away calling one of her friends to pick her up.Too embarrased too face Levi.Levi looks down a bit happy and a bit sad at the same time.He opens his eyes only too see Sasha.She hugs him.He smiles and kneels down to hug her back.He smiles and a tear rolls down his cheek.He pulls it back and takes Sasha to the car to drive back home.As they reach home he goes to put Sasha to sleep and shower.He decently covers his wound and then takes a small black box out of his wardrobe.He opens it and it reveals a silver ring,a gun and a picture of him and a girl.He starts to cry.The night sets and Laura goes home with her friend.The friend rambles about a guy she met at a bar and stops halfway through to speak to her.
"You okay?"
"Hmm...yeah just thinking about someone..."
(Levi...you never did tell me your story...when you came into my office.Your hair messy you barely spoke.Your eyes crunched you couldnt sleep in days and hou had been depressed because of a death you never told me about...The ring you wore on your index finger.Whats your story.I still know so little about you.Why cant you tell me.Who you really were.Levi Scarr.)
She thinks.Levi has a story.But now is not the time nor place to tell it

Shadows help in strange ways.But was this to help Levi or the shadow?You decide.All we know for now is that shadows aernt ghosts they make an impact the change everything.These who see them might think its an amazing power an occurance of gretness when really its just a curse.Put on those with troubling pasts.

Tune in for the next chapter of Shadows whisper at night

PS:Great to be back in this writing thing your truly
Salvation writing
© salvation writing