

The Listener Within
One fateful night, darkness crept into my soul, and despair consumed me. The weight of my struggles became unbearable, and the only escape seemed to be surrendering to the abyss. In desperation, I sought a compassionate ear, a understanding heart, but my cries fell on deaf ears. The world, it seemed, was not equipped to hear the silent screams of an introverted mind.

As the shadows deepened, I felt myself slipping away, lost in the darkness of my thoughts. But then, a glimmer of hope emerged. I discovered a listener within myself, a gentle voice that echoed my own. We engaged in a fierce battle of words, my inner self wrestling with the darkness. And slowly, the light began to seep in, illuminating the path to redemption.

In that moment, I realized that solitude can be a blessing in disguise. For in the stillness, I found my own strength, my own resilience. I learned to embrace my introversion, to listen to the whispers of my heart. And in doing so, I saved myself from the brink of destruction. Solitude may be lonely, but it's far better than the wrong choices that can lead us down the path of no return.
© Abraham