

About ten years ago, while serving a four-year sentence for Obstruction/Retaliation, I read a book called "This Present Darkness", written by Frank Perretti. It was based on the verse in Ephesians 6:12 of the Bible. It mentions warring with flesh and blood, but against evil spirits in high places. It was an eye-. opener for me! I've gotten stranger vibes at nightime as friends watch.
This book is about the reclusive elite that watch from the shadows and manipulate others that they may change an attitude!

Part I. "They"

I must have made someone very angry. Really and truly I have been bombarded with psychological warfare, stalking, people gossiping back and forth real secretive, like I was some kind of monster or something.
And it seems like the meth I've been doing is more mind- controlling than usual. (I am very much in controll of my mental faculties) And controlling in special areas like sex and porn and masturbation. It's like it's been overwhelming and no matter what kind of be -masters- mood I'm in, that's the only choice I have. It used to be art and poetry, or even going to the bar for pool and drinks with a social benefactor. But now its, "What kind of sexual pleasure can I reach tonight"? And porn! Oh my God, it's so unlike me to watch someone else fuck! And so unlike me to make little inuendos to women, like I could get it up if I had Permission! But " They " seem to be masters of manipulation so things will end up how they would want it!

Part 2 "They" In Theory"

Now let me explain who I believe "They" are. No matter how hard you try to control the chaos associated with Meth, you can't. And it seems that the controlling agent of the drug or the reaction you get from it is the very thing "They" want!
This is not Law Enforcement; its worse! There exists an elite group of people; and I use the term "group" lightly because a group to me means minus-the-number; "they"are the "warchful eye "of their sosiety!
Alot of the time in life you run across powers and persuation. So much so, in fact, that anyone you deal with that is not in that league cannot have any bearing on what they expect. This elite group of people are in every facit of your life, and depending on where you fit in, your help is remote by the initial attitude of these individuals. And I am concerned to say that these people are the "Illuminati"; or some entity similiar to them. And the rules they play by are "anything goes"!
What now? We must examine the source of power and strenghth this originates from. There are the Free Masons, which began as an elite group of nothing more than "Bricklayers" who were well-off, substanciated in their communities and very much a part of the "Founding Forefathers" who helped to instill in our constitution the proper rights, yet has somehow generation after generation, been diluted to a point of reorganization. The results: people who are recluse to mainstream society; who live and breathe "Screw- everyone-else-as-long-as-our- families-make-it-out-alive"!

Now I'm not pinning this ominous cloud on any one group with a fancy name, however I am suggesting that this is a people who care about one race, one central theme and one goal, void of the general population! A people with enough money, political pull, powers of persuation, and enough bravado to reach their means.
To call such an entity anything but evil would just be pinning a name on them! We mention the DEA in church, its just a governmental source to fight the "War On Drugs" battle! But mention these men and women on the streets and everybody looks over their shoulder! No, "Illuminati" is too good for these men and women: we may be talking about the "Fallen Angels of Hell" as far as that goes! But the real attention is focused on how and why they go to the extremes they do and are hardly ever seen, if at all, by those who are pursued by them.

Part 3. "Psychological Warfare"

Let me start with "Psychological Warfare": Outside your window, in your bathroom, the park, even in confession they will let some people know they are a clear and present danger.
Now, I can't speak for everyone, but for me its been a hell-of-a-ride. And I'm past the point of worring about being investigated for some federal crime; no, its more than that...it seems personal! Like somewhere along my path of hustling pool, women, drugs, bar-fights, and just being me, I have stepped on some toes that are connected to the ass thats hating on me!
Its been a whole 3 years of not being able to get high on anything because of my shadow.
" They" will whistle outside your window and talk low enough to make you doubt yourself. On some occasions they make sure you hear their conversation with someone and say something profound-to-you, then scurry off! I've even had them make me notice something in one place and knowing my next destination, be there with the same thing. And all you can think is, " How weird was that"?

Now, Ive been in it all the way up to my elbows and know alot about their resources. I have also made it a point to do research and find out what I was up against! Lawyers won't try to help you identify the source of your haunting, and those who would, because they feel sorry for you, wont even tell you a lie",,,, And when I mention it to the police they just look at me and grin. But, I did have one deputy tell me it was not a "Law Enforcement agency doing the evil deeds! That it was probably an outside source with alot of resources at its becon-call.

Part 4. "Cyber Cop"

This is what led me to start my own investigation. And some of the things I've uncovered are the "not-the-least-bit"of nice! Ill start with the drones that are remote-control operated in a 400 Sq. Mile Radius. Called a "Cyber Cop", this drone is placed on a flatbed trailer and located to a remote area for launching. Approximately the size of a bus in round dementions, and with wings , it is filled with Helium, unthethered and let loose, and drifts upward to a heighth of a thousand feet or more and then settled by bleeding off just enough Helium to stay afloat at the heighth projected in the operation plan. It is then started and flown to its predestined location where the motor is shut down for stealth and then kept stationary with 4 small air-propelled "fins" where it will film and record thermal imaging goings-on inside a persons house. You heard me right...it can capture everything you do inside your home for thermal image penetration through ceilings and walls. The only drawback in its original capacity was knowing who's body language belonged to who. They can now distinguish between bodies, especially if you've been captured by its thermal cameras in the past. The person flying, recording and landing the drone could be anywhere within a mile of your house, sitting in an SUV with a laptop in their lap.

Part 5. "Ultra Sound Spying"

The next thing I learned about was also something to do with body language: it's called an "Ultra-Sound Dispenser" which sends out pre-programed sound waves and records animated movement within any structured building. NOTE: (Solid metal, or sheet-metaled buildings and roofs cause much more interference than does a regular, wood-boarded house or barn-structure.) The sound-waves are simply turned up to a higher db rating, or decibal, with pretty much the same success rate. Micro-wave transmissions are similiar to Generated Ultra-Sound frequencies. Science does not have to have color-print still-photos, or videos to tell who an individual is anymore. They are souly intent on identifying a person by BL's......Body Languages.

Part 6. "FB and Messenger"

Now, if I've not got you facinated up to this point, you'll be interested in this one.

Specially appointed Judges do nothing more than watch drone footage and issue search warrants to DPS, State Game Wardens, DEA, FBI, ATF, SWAT, and local law enforcement with the aid of Facebook and Messenger. In your Terms of Service Agreement with each provider you have agreed to give up your 4th Amendment Right To Privacy. Thats right...actually its "left", but you have given FB and Messenger permission to record audio, video, and text messaging on your phone while you are a customer of their service. These are used to spy on you or anyone around you at any time. And are subsequently used as evidence against you in a Court of Law, permissable.
Your own phone can be a useful tool for you or useful in convicting you.

Part 7. "Police Equipment"

Next, but not least, is Radar Guns that see through your walls, wallets and clothes. No bigger than a hand-held land-line phone, this apparatus lets law enforcement know how many persons are in a house before they knock. And, walking or riding, this Gun can tell police how much cash you have on-hand, whether you are in possession of a weapon, or are wraring Kevlar or some type of vest equipped with a bomb.
Usually it's the city cop that utoli

Part 8 "Hotels and Motels"

And last, but not least for sure, is the Hotels' Industry.
Given a Small Business Loan to get you started in this country has certain drawbacks.
Our Government has instituted a paragraph that requires you by Federal Law to, if ordered, to install 2-way mirrors and hidden cameras in Hotel Rooms, implemented by, none other than, Homeland Security, for the betterment and safety of our business elite while abroad. If you don't have at least a half-inch gap between your finger-tip and the surface of a mirror where the tip of your finger is touching then smile because there is either a camera or person or persons behind that mirror. It seems likeve

Part 9. "Art of Manipulation"

To be alittle less animated and alot more serious in this matter, I have purposefully left out the more gruesome, yet fact, parts to this story-for-purpose-investigation. These would be the more sophisticated, psychological goings-on that occur on a minute-to-minute basis in just about every city in the United States and other countries as well. The art, if you will, of manipulation: It is a systematic method of coercing someone, without their knowing, to perform a task designed, over a period of time, to be their downfall. The Art of Manipulation goes back to Med-Evil Times and was a weapon of choice for those with lesser physical abilities. One of the Masters once said, "I can defeat an army without firing one shot"!, and he meant it! If I were to walk up to you, knowing alittle bit about your likes and dislikes, and knowing you hate snakes, told you so-n-so once made his daughter sit in a chair with a Boa-Constricter in her lap for punishment, you couldn't know but I just manipulated you into disliking a person you've only met several times. I have, because of your distaste for snakes, caused your sub-conscious mind to record an atrocity against a young child by someone you barely know; and the not-knowing- him-very-well part is what reinforces to you that you cannot and will not like this person in the subsequent future. And you don't even know you won't like him until you see him next. This is the "Art of Manipulation".

Part 10. "Fallen Angels"

"They" are masters at this form of Psychological Art"
" They" can have a person hooked on drugs doing cartwheels. Fortunately for me, I never "got out there" on my drug-of-choice. And was able to notice manipulation. But, the manipulation I noticed was raw and unpolished and had an air of apprenticeship to it. I only noticed later on. "They" were never really present in my awarenesses; but, always there in my unawarenesses! It was almost as though they knew when I was, and when I wasn't...aware, or alert! Now I look back and think perhaps they were other-worldly! But, the only "other- worldly I know are Angels; or, Fallen-Angels!


That's when all the things I'd been through and struggled with started unraveling and making sense and pouring out of me! I had come full-circle with the knowledge that our elite: astronauts, politicians, law enforcement, and wealthy entities had in-fact, been manipulated and coerced by none other than Fallen-Angels, or at least their human associates!

There is no Ultra-Sound, or Radar Guns, or Men-in-the-woods, or strong manipulation, or drones that won't be revealed by God! He's already handed you a measuring rod. My imagination is not that keen without some discovery!

And these big drones we see at night in the sky are vessels made by Fallen Angels, or at least their technology! Our good men and women of law enforcement that fight drugs are manipulated by these dark forces. And as I sit here and write all this down, God Himself wrote, with my hand, this last chapter. I knew none of this until I wrote it!

Part 11. " Thank You Lord"

I can only write one last chapter for my love of God Almighty. Thank you Lord Jesus for rewarding me in my sins. It is written, "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

To whoever reads this:

I have so dilligently searched for and found the answers to my "Whys"!

Though I have been in the dark tunnels of " Meth" I have kept my faith in God and procured a favor from His very hand! I grabbed this stylist and began poking at my screen about the things I've been through over the last two years and words began to pour out of me unto the very answer of my "Whys"! God has, in the end of this story provided me with every answer to every question I have ever wondered about. He has literally taken my pen-hand and wrote an end to my story, complete with absolute truth! Whoever reads these words and struggles with meth shall be given new choices: Continue in the waves and be tossed to and fro;
believe that you may excell now in more positive things, knowing there is a race to live and the rich have a huge head start; or that there is proof ,unequivical, that God exists!


Ken Randall Knight,

May God Bless The
Entire World,
The Author,
and reader!


P.S. I'm abstinate in my addiction and have but one chance remaining to continue in my recovery; there are no more chances: that's the unspoke message I got!

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