

Parallel Universe : #2 The Curse
Parallel Universe
#2 The Curse

After 149 years
Fro: Mom , I wanted to go to Moon .
Maumau: No i didnt want to lose you like your brother.
Fro: Mom , actually i wanted to know what was happened to my brother!
Fro:Mom Just listen to me .
Maumau: No , first your brother then your father and now, you , No!
Fro: Mom............?

Fro secretly went to the Dr.Battra 's lab and took the Spaceship and went to the Moon 235

Fro: I have to do this . After these years .....
Mars235 : Hello....hello....? Who are you ?....
Fro: This is Fro , Mars.
Mars: We didnt give you the permission!!
Fro: But I have to see that what was happened to my brother!
Mars: Come Back , this is a warning!!
Fro: No.
Mars: Over and out.
Fro: Thats great!

At Mars235
Head office : What is just hapened?
Office : Sir, We dont know ...Umm...!
Head Office : Don't Mind . He will be die because Moon doesnt have O2 .

At Moon
Fro landed on Moon and started to look for his brother but he didnt take the pills ( This will help him as pills has O2 presence in it )
Fro: I have to go to that place .( To himself )
Fro: Wait a min , Is there a presence of O2 ?!
(To himself)
Fro: Moon was changed ! Why ?(To himself)
Fro: I have seen Moon but why aliens are die alone ?(To himself)

Aleins are died but why and whom did this...
Wait......it will be dicussed in this story.........
Suddenly a huge ball like thing came to Fro from a dark .

Someone: Why you come here?
Fro: I am looking for my brother.
Someone: Who?
Fro: My Brother!!
Someone: His name is Slang ?
Fro: Yes , do you know him?
Someone: Does he look like this?

Someone came from the dark and when Fro actually see , it really look like his brother . He was shocked and just dont know what to do !

Slang: Aleins did this , !
Fro: What ? I dont know that someone can do this !
Slang: Why did you come before that?
Fro: 'Cause Dad was died.
Fro: Yes .

.............................................- Utkarsh Aggarwal
Story Continues In next Episode of this series

#3 Anyone?

© Utkarsh Aggarwal