

The Ghost! (part 1)
A boring day as usual, Magaret is nowhere to be seen. Magaret Hagerfan, a strict business woman, aged 28 but acts like a 50 year old is the perfect business role model. She is quite successful but feels, she simply isn't THERE.
There has always been the belief that she can do better if only she can try, but for her, trying never meant cheating; she would never cheat, but ofcourse there is a first time for everything.
As usual, Magaret is nowhere near home; she is behind the intimidating darkbrown wooden table with the usual boring "business" decor; being the owner of one of the biggest "Tea and Spices" company in all of Texas really isn't the easiest job in the planet.
"Grr grr" goes the phone, snapping her out of her morning habits of looking at her schedule hoping for a little fun.
"Hello, this is Magaret Hagerfan of Magaret's Tea and Spices, what can i do for you?"
"Hey Maggy, long time no see, like the new formal intro, out wit' the old and in wit' the new, ain't nothing like a new self huh......"
"Jackson, is that really you?"
"Yes honey, back in Houston
and calling for a reunion with y'all"
"When, how, I've missed you alot, how's you been?"
"I've been fine honey, you coming?"
"The reunion? Billy and Harper's gonna be there, promise"
"Hey, Jack, it's not that i don't wanna come, it's just that, um..."
"You're busy, huh, i knew it. Forget it, never mind"
"It's not that........."
Magaret is standing, on impulse but then she remembers she's got a long day of business ahead of her, she simply can't leave work for friends, at least not now.
At exactly 5:09pm, Magaret is found at a cafe waiting for Jackson, waiting for the last 9 minutes at least, make that 10. For the hundriedth time, she gives the unanswering line a ring, a futile plan as expected.
"Look what the cat drag in"
"Mr. Thomas Gilbert"
"I still think Thomas is better but ok"
"Ok, Thomas, i'm here to see a friend what 'bout you"
"Here to see no one in particular except one Miss Hagerfan"
"Stop, you flatter me, so what's the business proposition"
"C'mon why do you always expect me to come with nothing but business"
" 'Cause i know you, so spill the beans"
Sliding the contract to her,
"Ok, there's this company that's gone bankrupt but still got a bright future, it's a furniture business but you know you could need expanding, I'll be an investor if you'd like that"
"An investor or a major shareholder? I'll think about it, promise"
"Ok, whatever you say, you's the Big Boss"
"GOOD bye, Thomas"
"I really could stay, i've got alot of spare time and......."
"The friend, Thomas, the one whose coming, to meet me here..."
"Ok, i'm leaving, bye beautiful"
"Bye, MR. Gilbert"
She was in the cafe till 7:30pm before it dawned on her that Jackson wasn't coming, ruefilled she left the cafe with the contract at hand.
On getting home, the first thing she saw, was the picture of her mother, Mrs Emily Hagerfan, but this time it felt like nothing but a cold, unapproving stare of warning. It felt different but she really didn't see anything to it, afterall it was a picture of her late mother.
She went to her study and looked into the contract and noticed that this was the same company, her mother tried to buy over that lead to her death.She felt uncomfortable reading it so she bathed and simply went to bed.
About 3am in the morning, she thought she had heard someone in the study, so she picked a broom from the closet on her way there, on getting there, she felt a gust of wind going about in the room and suddenly the contract flipped over and fell to the ground, she entered looked around and noticed that the window at the edge was opened, so she went over to close it and saw a shiny emerald necklace owned by the former residence of the home, after thinking it through, she thought the necklace might as well be hers since its in her family's house.
It was just to beautiful so she put around her neck to admire it but immediately the clasp disappears apparently making this weirdly unknown necklace stuck to her neck, at the moment she didn't think much of it and just thought that she was probably drousy with sleep but oh, was she wrong.