

Melissa's Monologue
It was a cold, snowy night when Richard revealed his true colours to me. He loved me, and then he left me. I tried to stop him, and he hurt me. I was six months pregnant when he first started hurting me. I was playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven on the grand piano in the living room. He asked me to dance with him. We danced the night away. It was magical. Then, suddenly, he cupped my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. He threatened to kill me if I ever left him for another man. I tried to wrench his hands off my face, but I couldn’t. I told him he was hurting me, but he didn’t care. I finally managed to get his hands off of my face and make a run for the main door. He chased after me and grabbed me by my hair. I howled in pain. He pushed me to the floor and trampled on my belly. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I whimpered softly.

Richard’s mother came running down the stairs when she heard the noise. As soon as Richard saw his mother, he took his feet off my stomach and pretended to be in distress. When his mother asked him what had happened to me, Richard told her that I had tripped and fallen to the floor. He kneeled beside me and whispered something in my ear that still haunts me to this day. Those four words sent chills down my spine. He said, “I love you, Melissa.”

Something was menacing in the way he said it to me. His voice was cold and distant. I had heard those four words from him before. But they were always said with much tenderness and affection.

Richard not only wanted to hurt me, but he wanted to hurt the baby too. He didn’t want me to carry the baby to term. Richard suspects that the child I’m carrying is not his. He thinks I had an affair with another man and that this baby is the product of a one-night stand. I’ve told him several times that I’m pregnant with his child and that I’ve never slept with any other man besides him, but he wouldn’t listen to me. He doesn’t trust me, and it breaks my heart.

Richard is conservative, unlike me. He strongly believes that a man and a woman should not have a child before the nuptials. He doesn’t like that I conceived a child even before I married him. I’m nothing but a pariah in his eyes. I’m nothing more than his pregnant, unmarried fiancée.

When Richard found out I was pregnant with his child, he coerced me to quit my job as a full-time pianist. I was a professional pianist before I met him. Now I’m a Barbie doll he can play with and toss aside like trash when he doesn’t feel like it. I miss playing the piano. I miss the way my delicate fingers gently glide over the keys like water. The engagement ring I wear on my finger weighs me down. It reminds me of the biggest mistake I made in my life: falling in love with Richard.

I can’t believe my life has come to this. Here I am, all alone in my dingy bedroom, writing away my thoughts and feelings, pouring my heart out in a diary I hope no one will ever read, especially my fiancé.

Though he hurts me, I know deep down he loves me. I’m certain hurting me is his way of expressing his love for me. He loves me, he cares for me, and he’d die for me. I’m sure of it, just like I’m sure of the air I breathe in and out. We’re meant for each other, and only death can do us part.


© HansFiction