

The Forrest (part-1)
"we are leaving, see you later mom...!" "Wait..!" shouted their mom. "Don't forget to take your bag with you", she said. Be careful on your way.And call me when you reached there...come back by 5'o clock in the evening...

"Okay mom",they said and they headed towards the forest. It was a forty minutes journey to their grandmother's house.

"Hey stop...!" Julia whispered. Did you hear that?"no" said Nala.
"What happened to you?
"Is there anything thing you want to ta-
'aaahh...aaahhh!' "What was that?"asked Julia.
"Just ignore it Juli"said Nala.
That's the same voice...come let's go,. they might be in trouble.
They started going to where the sound came from...
sweshhh!someone saw them and disappeared in a blink...

There was a man lying on the mud... everything around it was covered in red colour.
It's blood...he was dead.

Suddenly their surroundings started changing...the trees disappeared,the mud disappeared,the sky changed colour from blue to red...their heads were spinning... something was hitting their heads...as they were turning to see what it was, everything was pitch black... they were not able to feel anything.
Nala heard someone laugh...it did not feel good. When she opened her eyes she saw a man standing in front of her and smiling at her....

to be continued...❣️

© roshnee123