

'Domestic Violence, an invisible act ....!'
No,doubt ...that the cases are touching clouds as, they are raising at their increasing speed due to constant lockdown.
Thousands and lakhs of women are facing this dilemma of being brutually beaten and harassed by their spouse indoors, along with it they are being threatened and pressurised by them, for not to utter a single word of injustice against them and if they do ....then they have to redeem(pay) a heavy sum for their actions.
As a result,when they tend to uplift their voices against such torture,their opinions have been suppressed what kind of justice is this ??
In today's era, women in our country are no less than a men, both the genders are same in the eyes of law and granted with equal rights by our constitution still they have been seen from a wrong prism of being a victim of disparity, it is totally erroneous, stealing all their rights of independency.
There are still some deprived sections in our country(weaker sections, where still these kind of thoughts exists and thus, girls living in remote areas are most prone to such tormented acts ....)
We, need to understand that the woman are the pride of our country and she need a protection, she is in a need to survive under an umbrella of protectionism this can be possible, if we spread some literacy among illiterates and makes them informed about what is right and what is wrong(Education the brighter sunshine which is capable of removing the darkness forever)
Last, but not the least, this can only become a successful mission in the near future, when we promote programs like:
'Women Empowerment' so, as to make them self-reliance and self-independent!

© Dev1996bu