

Incredible journey of my life - part 1
Jawahar Navodaya vidyalaya
Class 11, batch 2019.......
After listening or thinking about this a different kind of thrillness and excitement comes in mind .
This is said about class 11 that this is the rest year of academic , the year of full of joy, no name of study, no fear of exam result no restriction , in this there are too many responsibility comes to the student firstly the captainship of school and management of all the program arranged in that year , a feeling of seniority no fear of teacher and principal left in the students .
This is all the things me and my friends had heared from our seniors and teachers but also we have a little believe that we would not do that things we would change the prevailing tradition .
Now so as to happen our time came we all were very delighted as well as there was also a deep despair of separation of class on the basis of stream , half of the student of class had gone for the further studies to different school or coaching centre.
However life doesn't stop for anyone so as to happen to us .We started the unforgettable journey of class 11 with new zeal and enthusiasm. In the starting we all had that one courage and believe . But as soon as time passed we all were flowing in the flow of this ,all the thinking goes in vein ,unwillingly or you can say unknowingly we all have an sudden change in our behaviour , seniority type work else started doing.
A daring , audacious and adventurous character induced inside of all of us .
whatever and whenever we want to do something then no one could stop us .
Suddenly a new routine without any time table we all accomplished in our habbit .That was only 2 or 3 period happening and thereafter all the rest time we used to spend in library ,music room, art room ,playing in ground and the last one option was the house .
Now the cluster, regional game competition time came near to hand . In starting ,no one was ready for this because of study and also because , we didn't want more separation and didn't want go alone in our respective games . Going together wasn't possible.
But how could we leave this .Therefore lastly all of us were starting practising our game . This was my last opportunity for participating in nationals and luckily my school was venue for regional meet and for national camp . That was my one of happiest part in this year really very grateful for me . Similarly, almost all my friends participate in nationals and sgfi in their respective games .
Be continued in upcomming part

© Amrita🙂🙃