

Falling for my Boss ( Part 1)
Chapter 1

The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance.. Now I should stop thinking about Lindzy but u know mom is mom.. I took my flight and went to Seattle.. I have got a job plus a room to stay and also a very good salary.. Who leave all these opportunities but I had to left my mom with Rob ( her current boyfriend).. I got a window seat luckily so I closed my eyes and memories started flashing already.. I was way to frank with my mom and to be honest we watched porn together.. We were more like friends than a mother daughter relationship.. I would never forget that when I suddenly encountered Rob and Lindzy having sex. God!! An horrible encounter.. Later she came and told me every detail of the sex. I don't know when I drifted of to sleep in my thoughts that when I woke up I had almost reached..

I got out of my flight.. It was a complete 5 hrs flight which had completely exhausted me.. I was desperately in need of a strong black coffee.. But I continue walking and then after all checking I collected my laugage when suddenly my phone springs with a message. It was from The Williams Company for which I am here. I checked the message and then I found that they are sending me a cab to pick me up from airport.. I don't know why there is so much formality but I liked it. I thought they might used to do it for everyone.. I was given the cab number so that I don't have any difficulty. I found the cab was already waiting for me. I went to my cab when the driver said Ma'am this is booked already.. I said him that's it booked for me. He asked for the code.. I dont know about any code. "Maam u must had got one. Please check ". I then don't know why I reopened the recent message which I received. I re read it and at the very end I found the code which I had overlooked last time. Yes the code is 626971. " Wait maam, let me check. U Miss Oliver? " Yes I am. Okay Ma'am. Please suit yourself.. I went and sat inside my cab.. My legs were shaking and I desperately need a long sleep. The driver put my laugage at the back and he started driving. Within 20 mins we were there. Hotel Dumort. The hotel looked so grand I thought only billionaire must use them coz I never really had.. The driver put down my laugage and gave me a tight smile. "Thank You Maam. Hope you had a nice trip" he said and departed. Such a kind behavior that was. I went inside the hotel and directly went to the reception and said that I have a room booked. The lady at the reception was blond and she asked me for the code. Again!! I mean seriously.. I can't go on telling codes. I need to take a long deep sleep. I again opened the message and said her the code. She gave me my room keys and said "Have a good day, Ma'am ". I went towards the elevator, clicked on the switch for it to appear. It appeared and I clicked 3 as in third floor. I left my laugage in the lobby so that room service people can bring it. I went to my room. Room 309. I opened it. The room was beautifully decorated and suddenly I had an urge to pee. I went into the restroom and after peeing I plushed but the sistern wasn't working. What a bad luck. I opened the tap to wash my face but there was no water supply.. I went to the room and I don't know what I found something under the bed whose part of it was discovered. I pulled it out with my leg and found a used packet of condom. What the heck.. Like really!! Why only with me!?!. God..!!!!!.. I called for the room service and luckily a girl came. I showed her everything, all the problems and she asked me to wait. She returned with a another girl and cleaned my room. After 5 mins I got my water supply.. A horrific start of a new life.. I don't know what will happen in upcoming days..

To be continued..