

Prophecies vision
Prophecies play a crucial role in many mythological traditions, often serving as catalysts for action and pivotal plot points. Here are some examples from various mythologies:

### Greek Mythology
1. **Oedipus**: One of the most famous prophecies is the one that foretold Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. Despite efforts to avoid this fate, the prophecy ultimately comes true.
2. **The Iliad**: The fate of Achilles is prophesied—he is destined to die young if he goes to Troy but will achieve everlasting glory.

### Norse Mythology
1. **Ragnarök**: A series of prophecies describe the end of the world, including the death of gods like Odin and Thor and the rebirth of the world thereafter.
2. **Baldur’s Death**: It was prophesied that Baldur, the beloved god, would die. Despite efforts to prevent this, Loki ultimately causes Baldur's death.

### Roman Mythology
1. **Aeneas**: In the "Aeneid" by Virgil, prophecies guide Aeneas's journey to found the city that would eventually become Rome.

### Hindu Mythology
1. **Mahabharata**: Numerous prophecies play a role, such as the foretelling of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of key warriors.
2. **Ramayana**: Prophecies about Rama's life, including his exile and eventual return to power, are central to the narrative.

### Celtic Mythology
1. **Morrígan**: The goddess of fate and prophecy in Irish mythology, who often foretells the doom of warriors.
2. **Lughnasadh Prophecy**: Prophecies surrounding the god Lugh, his rise to power, and his involvement in significant battles.

### Egyptian Mythology
1. **Osiris**: Prophecies concerning the fate of Osiris, his death at the hands of Set, and eventual resurrection by Isis.
2. **Horus**: Prophecies about Horus avenging his father Osiris and reclaiming the throne of Egypt.

### Native American Mythology
1. **The Hopi Prophecies**: The Hopi people have a series of prophecies about the end times and the coming of a new age.
2. **Mesoamerican Prophecies**: The Aztec prophecies regarding the return of the god Quetzalcoatl.

### Chinese Mythology
1. **I Ching (Book of Changes)**: Contains many prophecies and is used as a divination tool to predict the future and guide decisions.

### Sumerian/Babylonian Mythology
1. **The Epic of Gilgamesh**: Contains prophecies regarding the hero's journey and his quest for immortality.

These prophecies not only drive the narrative in myths but also reflect the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the societies from which they originate. They highlight themes of fate, destiny, and the often inescapable nature of prophesied events.

In contemporary times, the concept of "dark characters" often appears in various media, including literature, films, television series, and comics. These characters typically embody traits such as moral ambiguity, complex motivations, and often a propensity for anti-heroism or outright villainy. Here are some notable examples from recent years:

### Literature
1. **Patrick Bateman (American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis)**: A wealthy New York City investment banker who leads a double life as a serial killer.
2. **Amy Dunne (Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn)**: A manipulative and cunning woman who fakes her own disappearance to frame her husband for murder.

### Films
1. **Joker (Joker, 2019)**: Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Arthur Fleck, a mentally ill loner who descends into madness and becomes the infamous Gotham City villain.
2. **Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men, 2007)**: A cold-blooded, unrelenting hitman who operates by his own ruthless moral code.

### Television Series
1. **Walter White (Breaking Bad)**: A high school chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine manufacturer who gradually transforms into a ruthless criminal.
2. **Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)**: A queen who is willing to do anything, including murder and betrayal, to maintain her power.

### Comics
1. **Thanos (Marvel Comics)**: A powerful alien warlord obsessed with balancing the universe by wiping out half of all life, often portrayed as having complex motivations beyond mere evil.
2. **The Joker (DC Comics)**: One of the most iconic villains, known for his chaotic nature and his psychological battles with Batman.

### Video Games
1. **Joel (The Last of Us Part II)**: A character whose morally ambiguous decisions, particularly at the end of the first game, have far-reaching and devastating consequences.
2. **Trevor Phillips (Grand Theft Auto V)**: An unhinged and violent criminal who embodies chaos and unpredictability.

### Anime/Manga
1. **Light Yagami (Death Note)**: A high school student who gains the power to kill anyone by writing their name in a supernatural notebook and becomes a megalomaniac vigilante.
2. **Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)**: Initially the protagonist, Eren’s actions and motivations become increasingly dark and complex as the series progresses.

These characters are often celebrated for their depth and the way they challenge traditional notions of good and evil. Their stories explore themes of morality, power, identity, and the consequences of one's actions, making them compelling and thought-provoking figures in modern storytelling.