

Days - Chapter 4
While pondering about these things I searched for Ben, he wasn't far behind me, as he got closer I tried to match his pace, he noticed this and slowed down to make it comfortable enough for me to run while talking. " Ben " Trying not to feel awkward. " When did you transfer to our school? " I asked looking at him, he takes a quick glimpse at me while he's still facing forward. " What's this sudden interrogation? " He asks in a monotone way, hearing him this way made me feel pushy for trying to know more. ( I mean we aren't that close except for what happened in the changing room...) I wondered if I should continue asking or just stop and forget about the matter, but I could not understand this situation... And it feels as if there are missing pieces of my memory but at the same time no, as if I lost something or the opposite... The more I try to make sense of things the stronger these feelings become, he notices this and gently ruffles my hair. " How many laps have you done? " He asks, I looked at where I started and estimated for how long I was running. " I think I'm halfway my second one " I said looking back at him, he then stops me on my track making me confused, before I could even say a word he kneels down in front of me making me look around in confusion. ( Wtf is going on? ) catching me off guard I didn't know what to do, he tide my right shoelace that was untied, I suddenly felt embarrassed and looked back to where our classmates were and yes I don't have an eagle's vision but I know that some of our classmates were watching this. ( I swear they'll misunderstand this situation, why is this dude making such a sweet gesture? ) I look at him and patted his head I suddenly felt as if I just commended my servant for doing his duty, I face palmed myself realising this way of thinking. " Thank you, you could have just told me " I said feeling a little shy, he stood up. " Now you can run faster " He patted his knee clean. " We can talk after class " He added, slowly walking backwards and turning to run forward again, I'm still not sure what and how to make of things right now, but I know I still had to finish running.

For the whole class I kind of felt as if some of our classmates were talking about me and from time to time I felt looks as well, but I wasn't sure if my brain and senses were playing tricks on me. One of the girls slowly approache me while the teacher was distracted looking at his papers and explaining what we had to do next, she leaned close. ~ Maya, how did you get so close with Ben? ~ After hearing his name it made me unconsciously look to where he was, not knowing how to answer this sudden question I quickly try to make a reasonable one that seems believable enough. ~ Seems that our family knows each other ~ Trying not to make it sound as a question I hoped she wouldn't ask anymore, but realising that I have a chance to ask about him, I too made my move. ~ When did Ben transfer to our school? ~ My classmate suddenly felt puzzled from my question but answers it anyway. ~ I think it was... ~ She takes a few seconds to remember. ~ ... A week ago I think? ~ Hearing this just made me even more confused. ( A week ago? ) I was on my confucius horse right now, It just didn't make sense to me, there were more questions added instead of getting an answer. ~ Okay... sorry, I'm just confused af, I just don't remember him transferring this late in school ~ She looked at me in a weird way from hearing what I just said, she also probably thinks I'm crazy but I have zero memory of him transferring at all. ( I probably am crazy since it seems that I'm the only one who doesn't remember him at all... ) Trying to be calm as possible I ask her another question. ~ Do you remember why he transferred two weeks in just when school's about to finish? ~ She tries to recall the reason making her pause again, making me look forward to her answer hoping that it would make sense even if it's just shedding a small light in the dark, before she could say a whole word, the teacher notice us chatting and moves her away from me, I was really dying to know what she was about to say, but I guess it didn't matter, I remember Ben saying that we could talk later after class. I needed answers because I have this unsettling feeling in my gut that's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

© every second is yours