

Trevor barely started walking back when he heard noise coming from the kitchen. His heart started pumping at a rate that even a person twenty feet from him could hear, with the thought that Siobhan and Amell have come back. He started opening the door swiftly, then sighed.  

“Dear, you startled me.”

“Oh, sorry. And I thought you have escorted Sebastian,” she said, turning to look at Trevor.

“No, he is a grown man. What are you doing?”


“You should rest, come on,” he took her by the hand.

“Trevor, I’m ok. Besides, who will cook if I sleep like a big bag of bones,” she grinned.

“I would have cooked.”  

She bust out laughing and said, “do I have to remind you about the time when you blew up the microwave. And we had to clean for two days,” she touched his shoulders, “if you may excuse me, sir, I have to finish cooking.”  

Trevor gazed at her and a smile crept on his face.  

“I still remember the microwave crisis and besides we learn from our mistakes, right? I have learned one or two things from blowing up the microwave.” He wrapped his hands on her hips and went on, “anything I can help with?”

“I have everything under control here so you Mr. Trevor can wait for your food in the sitting room. I will not concentrate with you here.”  

“I know you won’t concentrate with this handsome face in front of you miss Maria.”  

He gazed at her as he went closer to her than before.  

“I didn’t mean that, I meant you are too ugly to look at, I might get distracted,” she giggled.  

“If I was ugly, you wouldn’t have gotten married to me.”  

“You had put me under a curse,” she unwrapped herself from his hands.  

“Trevor go let me finish up here.”


“No ifs and buts, go in the sitting room,” she carried on doing her magic.

“Ok. Don’t call me if anything comes up,” he turned and went out.

He went sat down and took the remote, placed the ON button. And he started watching Star Wars.

After a couple of minutes, Marie finished cooking. And prepared the food on the dining table.  

“Trevor, the food is ready,” she called loud enough for him to hear, but she saw no movements from him.

She went, took the remote, and turned the TV off.

“I think I said food is ready,” she said.

But Trevor just took the remote from her hands and turned the TV back on.

“Alright, I’m sorry for chasing you out of the kitchen. But it’s like you said, I couldn't have concentrated with your handsome face around.”

A small smile cropped on Trevor’s face. Women always know what men want to hear. Trevor went to the dining table like a baby who was promised a lollipop for brushing his teeth after dinner.

“This is amazing, but not like my mother's cooking,” he said after taking his first bite.

“Just keep eating moms boy.”

After Maria finished eating what was on her plate, she got up and started heading to the stairs.

“What, you are leaving me alone?”

“You will find me in our bedroom.”

“Wait, I’m done,” he said, mouth full.

He got up and picked Maria up.

“Shall we?” He asked

“You are in like my parents are coming home late today.”

“Then lats not worst more time, darling.”

And they headed to the stairs, doing whatever married couples do.