

LOVE WAR (Last part)Happy Ending
In the hospital...sheri and lineo both conditions are very bad.
They lose their blood so much that They need blood for living.

Sheri blood group is match with anmol and anmol decide to give blood.
But Lineo blood group is B negative. Which one is very rare.
Lineo need blood argently. But Blood is not found for her.
Old women: Biyani....Where are she?
Shabo: Don't tell that...She hurted lineo...She will never agree giving blood.
Old women : Ah...Lineo should die.
At that moment..A Doctor comes named SoJol and carries everyone attention ..
Doctor Sojol: Thank you...all.
Old women : Why doctor?
Doctor sojol: For lineo.
Old women: Do you know her?
Doctor sojol: I am a psychiatric doctor. Lineo is my patient. She is very dangerous for people. She has personal disorder. Actually She gets shock from her own people.
Abhik: Doctor...Lineo is a mental.
Doctor: No...she is more dangerous than a mental.
Old women: What happened with her?
Doctor Sojol: Actually...Lineo is one of my brother's wife.
She was very beauty in her village. That's why my cousin brother married her but He broke his relationship with her because of an another girl named Rekha...Rekha is more beautiful than lineo. Her husband left her and event beat her and even tortured because lineo didn't want to divorce. That's why she started to use her beauty to carry attention people. Day by day, It became a passion for her. She forgot her husband and everything and took a different personality.
Old women: Abhik found her on the road....
Doctor Sojol: Actually..She destroyed many happy couple lifes .
They were very happy..but Lineo capture their husband with her beauty...and destroyed them.
Abhik: Actually I am the reason of all this...if I didn't take her in my home...
Doctor sojol: Actually when her husband betrayed her then she became mad...because she always need a good happy family.
Shabo and Abhik start to cry and even Anmol too.
Shabo: I did the same thing with my wife...Biyani...forgive me
Abhik: Mom...I tortured and beat my wife...sikhani...please forgive me...I will never repeat that.
Sikhani: I understand the pain of lineo. But She did wrong.
But abhik...You did very wrong..I will never forget that but I will forgive you.
Shabo: Mom...where is biyani? I did very wrong...with her.
At that moment...Biyani comes
Biyani: Shabo....I am here
Shabo run towards biyani..
Shabo: Forgive me...please
I promise I will never do any mistake. I will treat you like queen.
Biyani: Sha..
At that moment Doctor parker comes and thanks biyani for saving lineo life by giving blood.
Old women: Biyani....I know your heart is more beautiful than everything...I am proud of you.
Biyani smiles
Biyani: Mom...I am bad that's why I have to face many hardships. Mid night...Do you know How scareful was that night....
shabo: Biyani....Please forgive me...You can punish me.
Biyani: Okay...Your punishment that I am breaking our relationship . I don't want to be with you.Bye Mom...Take care everyone.
Old women: Biyani...stop
Sikhani: Sister please don't go.
Anmol: sister....
Shabo....stands like a poor man.

After 2 hours...
Doctor Alam..comes..
Doctor Alam: Sheri is fine now.
You can meet him.

Old women...goes to the sheri cabin...
Sheri: Mom
Old women : son...Are you okay.?.now.
Sheri: Mom...please call my brothers...
Abhik and shabo enter..
Sheri : Don't marry with lineo.
Don't run after beauty of a women.
Abhik:( Cry...)Hold the hand of sheri....True... You are right....
shabo: Sheri....right my brother and Abhik you...too...I did many wrong...
Sheri: Lets forget everything...We now begin a new part of life..
Abhik: Yes...I will always think about my family..not about myself.
Shabo: Yes....
At that time Doctor parkar comes and tells everyone that lineo is fine now and wants to meet all of you.
Shabo: Doctor...Who is lineo?
we don't know her... please call doctor Sojol..His patient is the lineo.
Doctor parkar: okay..I will inform him to take her with him.
Abhik: Doctor...Never mention this name infront of me..and my family.
Sheri: She is really dangerous but teaches me a good lesson..That I will never run after any beauty.
Everyone start to laugh..
But at a momen...shabo stop doing smile and thinking that He loses the real beauty of his life...and it is his wife..biyani because of his bad deeds.
On the other hand...Abhik looks at the sikhani and happy to see her and thinking that He is very lucky that he don't have to lose his beloved wife.
Sheri thinks.Hey Allah! please listen to my prayer...wish..My family
will be a happy family like before.
At that moment...Anmol Comes and calls shabo...
Anmol: Shabo brother...Biyani wants to meet you. Hearing this
Shabo..quickly goes to meet with biyani.

Shabo: You called me...Anmol said that...Please forgive me....give a second and last chance.
Biyani: I want to tell you that Today I realize that I can love so much someone.
Shabo: Who?
Biyani: You...I want only your partnership.
Shabo smiles...with happiness..
Biyani: What?
Shabo:Do You forgive me?
Biyani: I forgive you. But one conditions..You will never call me fat.
Shabo: No....I love fat girl..
I love my wife only and forever.
Biyani give little smile.....Shabo hold the hand of biyani....and take with her..towards the sheri room.
At the corner...Lineo see everything. She gives a smile... And thinking that...If my husband will understand the importance of me like shabo!
But She wants to meet everyone...but She doesn't want to destroy again their family so..She goes with her doctor Sojol for her treatment. But she feels very peace after a long time... Because she is happy to see shabo and biyani together in their destination.💚The END

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