

I wipe my tears as he explained very well. I saw him with another girl, what did he expect me to do? Accepting him?

"I am sorry, okay?! Come on, we are just friends!"

"Friends? Friends allowed to kiss each other on the 'lips'? No one inform me that!"

"You are just blinded by jealousy! I am sorry! Sorry!"

He looks frustrated as he explained. I shook my head and look at him, hurted. He is the man I love the most and I trusted him.

"This is not the first time you cheated! I give you a chance because you assured me that you will never do that again! Look what happened now?!"

"I said I am sorry! It's that enough?!"

How come a sorry is enough? If I will forgive him he will do it again! He will do it again because he knows when I will caught him again, he will be fvcking just apologize as if it's not a big deal.

"It's not enough!"

"What do you want me to do?! I beg for the sorry, I said sorry already why so fvcking heartless?!"

I get his phone and laptop then throw it away. He look at me with shock, he got mad. I know it's too much but I am mad too!

"What the hell?!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry." I said sarcastically.

"Your sorry won't fix my fvcking phone and laptop you throw!"

"If a things will get broken, you can't fix it even if you're sorry. A person who got betrayed is like a glass too, after they trusted you and caught you doing things— their sorry is not enough to fix things that it's broken."

I left him. I will never lower my worth just to have him. I won't forget myself because I love him, no never.

© Skyler