

A change of heart
The gold coins fell out of the velvet purse as soon as he pulled at its string. Glittering eyes stared at the precious bounty in shock. His luck had finally turned! He could stop his life of thievery on the highway and lead a respectable life.
“Help, help me…” the faint whisper belonged to the woman he thought he had murdered. Their eyes held. “Wha..what’s happened? Where am I? Who are you?” Just as he reached for the dagger, she whispered in fright, “Who am I?”…She us still alive I thought. I started to panic. I played it off like I had just came up on her situation. I offered her a drink of whiskey that was in my canteen. She started talking about God. Her life flashed before her eyes. Then she was gone. Death smells. I had to go. I started to think twice about my life. I fell to my knees and cried out. God please forgive me. A peace overcame me that I had never knew. I changed that day. I started to give to poor. Help those in need. My life is now on the right path. Thanks!
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