

Two nights of love...(partII)

‘October 22nd, Monday evening 5PM’
“Inspector Priyanka reporting, sir!”, she placed the case details on his table.
Akhil looked at her for the first time. She appeared mature but she was still sexy. All her tight fits tempted him. She had a bunny hairstyle where it was twist, plaited and wrapped circularly. Those tiny hairs at the top edge of her neck was instigating. She seemed to be unmarried and her dimples pulled men to make lives admiring it. She had a sharp eyes and accurate lips appropriate in either ways. Her appearance had never shown up all her histories of encounters. Priyanka had been so loyal to her department and earned a lot. She was never convinced at any point of time through her service and now she is into this.
“sir!”, she intervened.
“yeah, hello! Priyanka…”, he looked at her namecard lending his hands.
“hello, sir!”, she replied.
“Priya… we are gonna’ work together for few days in and out…I need your full support. As it is something regarding woman harassment, you’ve to be with me all the time to make things right?”
“anything for you, sir!”
“what about the formalities which have to be done? Have you investigated people around the murder spot. What’s going on?”
“sir, we are making it. The murder spot is a remote place sir and so we could not find a large population around. It’s just a developing site. We could find any cameras around. Only a few a shops have been found nearby and our people are into it, sir. And moreover in this climate, even people never come out. We have pull out things.I rushed here to give you all these details about her. We’ll be notified in case of any evidence, sir!”, she finished.
“when did you find the body?”
“3.45 PM, sir!”
“it’s already 5PM now… the killer should be more prepared for things. We have to stop him…call all those people out there”, he ordered. All of them assembled at once. He stood up on a bench and started…
“assume that you are a killer. What would you do escape as far…far?”, he got something.
“Priyanka…alert all the stations around this area. Ask them to reach all the tollgates nearby. Never leave anybody suspicious. Make it fast. Atleast we could hold him up for now…”
“Yes sir!”, She left.
“any ideas?”
“sir! We’ll make announcements through media, sir. We’ll get something out of it”, Constable Raj responded. Akhil had a habit of asking ideas among his fellowmates but if someone says something well, he’ll dump it as possible.
“so filmy!”
“sir, it’ll make us out of something. Let us make some rewards for people approaching us with informations. He may be serial killer”, Raj commented again.
“ah…”, Akhil stammered.
“let’s try it out, sir!”, there was a chorus (our nationality in answering)
“what’s your name?”, he enquired.
“Raj…Raj sir!”
“Raj…stay out for sometime”, Akhil blasted. Raj had nothing to say but just to leave. Raj,a normal young man from a middle class family. He had to hold up his family after his father’s death. He was so passionate in whatever he does. Being passionate, he gets only this all the time. Passion is not just enough to prove ourself over here. It’s all about the status and power. All those passions of millions of writers, singers, dancers and all other entertainers are just suppressed as the last books in the bookshelf. They are dusted rarely where true talents come out occasionally.
Coming over here, Raj came out with frustration but he never left his hope. His only drawback is that, he’ll not think what to do where and he’ll not change his stle of speech based on people. Everyone were out after certain minutes. Akhil finally sat on his chair making all his orders executed. He saw the case file on his desk. He opened it up…
“name…Sarah. She is a Software Engineer earning 5 lakhs per annum. She is a Christian by birth. She is the daughter of the Industrialist Martin. She was brought up with lots of love and her parents had been divorced several years back. She stood up on his mother’s side. Her mother was not so religious and she was easygoing. She married her to Harish, her brother’s son. Her mother passed away few years back. She has a daughter, Aaryana of age 6. She was really kind to people and she was adventurous. She always did whatever her heart says. She had never been so rude to anyone”, it had all her address and other contact details and all other identification marks. Akhil started thinking of something looking up placing his legs over the table.
“excuse me, sir! Sorry to interrupt. Don’t mistake me. I’ve knew you long back through all your records. You don’t handle these kind of cases, how come you are doing this?”, Priyanka questioned.
“sorry, sir!”
“influential people, Priya… they make us their pets and of course, we have to shake off our tails to their orders. I’ve been pulled in by my head officer. Of course, I could not disrespect him.
”Priya…any suspects?”
“nothing so strong, sir!”
“fine…let me know if any. Check out for all her whatsapp; facebook and instagram profiles. Try to make out something out of it. Investigate all her neighbours.”
“sure, sir!”, she replied and tried leaving.
“am not done yet…”, he yelled. Priyanka had nothing to say.
“based on all these reports, it doesn’t seem like a murder. There is only an accidental wound found. Maybe, it is a forced robbery. Investigate Harish whether something is missing in her possessions and let me know immediately. Give my number to everyone here and whatever you find must come over to me. Never try to be so smart…
Priyanka! I need the list of all those wanted bastards all around this area. I need to enquire them. Make it soon. Am not gonna’ leave even a single piece of paper out of my sight”, he entered into his cabin…


‘October 22nd, Monday night 9PM’
Harish was feeding Aaryana with the curd rice prepared for the afternoon. He was literally blank in the shock and he wasn’t recovered yet. Sidh dropped him at home and left. Harish was totally out of his mind and he did not know what to do.
“daddy! Where is she? Why did leave us?” Harish had no reply.
“daddy...daddy… tell me. Shall we go there? I’ll not sleep without her!”, she yelled. Harish lost his control…
“just shut up… leave me alone for sometime. Have your dinner…idiot!”, he scolded. Aaryana haven’t encountered such a blast till date. She stood up slowly and she went to her bed sobbing. She had never slept on her own all these days, both of them use to please her cutely all the time. She entered into the room.
Few moments later Harish felt really bad for what he had done. Of course, she was the only relationship he have got. We people shout at only those people on whom we have all our love and the same happened here. He really regretted it. He wiped off all his tears and pushed the door slightly. He entered the room and switched on the night lamp. The ray of light kissed Aaryana’s face gently. She buried her face even more into the pillow and all those droplets from her tiny twinkling eyes made it wet.
Harish saw that and he was really sad. He felt that he shouldn’t have done that. He gradually went near her lying and he tried to make up. He gently touched her ears with his lips and whispered…
She turned the other side.
“oi…cutie…look at me! Am sorry…sorry”, he apologized. Before he could continue she turned back and hugged him tight.
“appa…”, she exclaimed.
“it’s ok…am sorry.”
“you said me…idiot”
“you are my daughter ,da! Am an idiot”
“no daddy…that Sidh is that idiot”, there was a bunch of laughter. Parents may think that their children never love them messing up all time looking at their mobile phones. They’ll never know that their children will never leave them at any instant for any cause all through their childhood. The best way to succeed in life is to make your parents smile inspite of their wrinkles…
“where is she, dad?”, she returned to her tone again.
“she has gone somewhere long, dear! She’ll take a long time to return. She will be happy there leaving us sobbing here. We are gonna’ wait for her until she returns, baby!”, he convinced her with tears.
“ Why are you crying, dady?”
“ah…I am missing your mummy, da.”
“I’ll take care you”, she hugged him tight and slept. Harish’s all those memories about her passed through.
“am not gonna’ marry her, daddy! You can’t force me. After all, she is my cousin but you can’t force me”, Harish yelled.
“you are gonna’ marry her. I did not ask you for any opinions. Go get ready!”, his father forced.
“am not going to make it. I hate her completely. I ‘ll not do it”
“it’s already time. Take up those slogans”, the priest urged…yup! He was married to Sarah. He had no interest in it but he had to do it. He didn’t even look into her face. He was totally frustrated. He had just stepped out of his master degrees and so he could not take it up. Everything was over and all those crowds were gone.
It was 9PM by then. Sarah entered into the so called First night room. Harish was already there. He was really tensed but Sarah had the belief that she could sort it out.
“am sorry, don’t mistake me. This is not gonna’ happen”, he urged and looked at her face for the first time. She was really attractive in her Yellowish saree. It suited her well and her forehead was too flat pleasing for kisses! Her gentle walk highly tempted him but he tried avoiding her.
“calm down, calm down. It’s ok. You are still a kid. I could understand you. Even I was forced to this marriage. Yeah! I have to take it. Just be what you are. Never force yourself towards me. I’ll wait for the day everything comes up. We need not have any relationship till then. I’ll sleep in the next room. Take your time…”, she left.
They lived together in the same place without even speaking up. Many times they had to act as if they had a happy life for the sake of their neighbours and relatives.
Months rolled on looking up for excuses to stay apart. Often, Harish’s friend Sidh use to visit them and he was easygoing with both of them. Both were employed and they were completely independent. Harish would return home soon everyday but she would be little late everytime. Initially he was not concerned but in few days, he felt that her difficulty. Her office was too far from their house. He thought of doing something. The next Monday was her birthday. As usual both Harish and Sidh left the office.
“hey it’s her birthday, man! Try to do something better. She is so understanding towards you. Make something, man!”, he said leaving. Of course, he thought of doing something. It was Sunday night. Both of them were on their bed. It was 11.58PM and she hardly expected a wish from him. He was quite asleep so soon and he was really tired.
“happy birthday,di…may all your dreams come true…happy happy birthday, darling…”, there was a lot of wishes. She thanked everyone but still she did not feel it completely. The next day morning, she left the house early. When he woke up, he saw a cup of coffee on his bed. He had his sip and it was little salty…
The day evening, she returned home but it was locked. She had no keys with her and she had no idea what to do. She called Sidh at once…
“hey birthday girl, what’s up?”, he attended.
“your friend is driving me mad. The house is locked. What shall I do now?”
“ do one thing. I’ll send you an address. Go there. He’ll definitely be there”
“what? Why should I go there? Am not going anywhere. He doesn’t even had the courtesy to wish me. Should I loiter searching him? No way…”
“please Sarah! For my sake. Just go there. I’ll be there in an hour”, he instantly hung up. Sarah had no other go. She spared a taxi and reached there. She climbed the stairs and there it was locked again…she really got high. She was out of control. She tried leaving the place and suddenly saw the keys hanging over there with a keychain showing up “ a small gift from your friend. With love…Harish”.
She could not believe her eyes. Her eyes was filled with tears. She felt that someone is approaching her. She knew that it was Harish. She turned back and hugged him gently thanking him…
By the time Aaryana had slept. The lamp was itching her cute eye balls. Harish gently moved out switching off the light. He tried leaving the room but Aaryana was holding his fingers. He had no mood to leave her alone hoping that she would search him later. He pulled up the blanket and comforted her.
“am not gonna’ leave you, my love”, he thought…


© arvind