

Top 3 snacks you should add in your diet
Top 3 snacks you should add in your diet
When we talk about snacks the first few names that come to a mind directly are either Lays or kurkure.
But have you ever notice how less often we talk about any other brand or chips.
Or do you know are these brands healthy for you or not.
Well here at hungerpacks we have this question solved for you.
Here is the list of 3 healthy snacks that you should definitely add in your diet.

Healthy snacks
1). The healthy craving's Multigrain chips-
Multigrain supplies many nutrients, which increases your immunity and keeps diseases away from you. It also has a special advantage that it is beneficial for diabetes patients and blood pressure patients and does not allow the accumulation of body fat.
When the body gets more fiber, it is also very helpful in reducing weight and reducing obesity and which can make you lean quickly.
By using it, the body gets plenty of fiber which helps your digestive system to function better and does not cause constipation problem.
Multigrain flour or dishes made from it supply a variety of nutrients in your body simultaneously, whereas in normal flour you get limited nutrition.

2). Roasted peanuts Bikaji
Peanut is the most popular time pass of winter. Sitting in a group with friends and friends in the cold, eating peanuts is our own fun. It is also called cheap almond.
Iron, calcium and zinc are found in sufficient amount in peanuts. Apart from this, eating it gives strength.

8 benefits of eating peanuts:

1. The elements present in peanuts serve to relieve many stomach related problems. Constipation is overcome by its regular intake.

2. Eating peanuts gives strength to the body. Apart from this, it is also helpful in keeping the digestive system better.

3. Eating peanuts is very beneficial for pregnant women. This results in better development of the unborn child.

4. Peanuts rich in omega 6 also keep the skin soft and moist. Many people also use peanut paste as a facepack.

5. Eating peanuts reduces the risk of heart-related diseases.

6. There is no lack of blood due to regular intake of peanuts.

7. Peanut is also consumed to prevent signs of aging. The anti-oxidants present in it prevent signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

8. It contains sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D. In such a situation, bones become strong by its use.

3). The healthy craving's Roasted Makhana
Makhana is a treasure of health, these 10 benefits are eaten

new Delhi. Often people eat Makhana during the fast. Some people eat it for dieting or for taste. But do you know with Makhane test also help in keeping your health better. Eating this keeps the body fit and has many other benefits.

1. Eating Makhan prevents serious illness like heart attack. Heart remains healthy by its use. This also keeps blood pressure under control.

Berries are effective for these 10 diseases including diabetes, seed is also beneficial

2. If you are suffering from diabetes disease then eat Makhane. It reduces blood sugar levels by equalizing insulin levels.

3. Eating Makhane is beneficial to reduce stress. It is good to eat it with milk at night.

4. To get rid of problems related to bones and joints, one should eat Makhane. The calcium present in it works to strengthen bones.

5. Eating Makhana makes the digestive system strong. The estrogen properties present in it relieve diarrhea. Due to this, metabolism is also active.

Now its up to you what snacking habits you wanna keep.
Also comment below about what other snacks brand you think are healthy that can be further to be added in this list.

© Vartika Modi